
Showing posts from December, 2009

English Period In The Canoe Room

Sitting in the Canoe Rooom at ISU waiting for lunch to get closer before I get food, a bunch of oddly entertaining people say next to me. First a lady wearing all plad, including a mid-calf plaid skirt, a plaid jacket, and plaid stockings. Makes me giggle. The other lady is wearing her watch over the sleeve of her sweater, which I don't fully understand. Is it really that hard to lift the sleeve back 2 inches, maybe, I don't know. The last lady, sounds like man, and the single man sounds as if he is a woman. Conversation number one, ASIANS. Nuf said. Conversation humber two, Breakfast. Man says, are we going to have breakfast brought in from a hotel? $300 for breakfast is not an issue. I think $4 for coffee is ridiculous. (Man grinding his teeth) Plaid lady, "The will like it, because it is their only choice." Lost interest in their conversation, Getting distracted by some people playing Rock Band. --Come one people, I could play this stuff on the Hard level. I could