Cool Cats Of The Sub.
I was just sitting in my toasty warm house when all the sudden..... BUZZZ BUZZZZ. Yes folks, my phone buzzed to let me know I had a text message. It was Cliff. Iwas tempted to just ignore it and continue working on my delightful farm. But being the amazing person that I am, I decided to stop and take the little time I had to read his message. What I recieved was this... It's The Picture Of The Day. Yes my dear readers, my picture was chosen over all the other millions of pictures. Ok well maybe not millions, but I like to think so. I am so amazing that my awesome picture was chosen. As exciting as this news is, I did not receive any prize for being an amazing photographer, or for my delicious artistic views, just a congrats. How pathetic is that!?! I was extremely disappointed, but then I realized, I don't need a prize to tell me I have a great taste in art. Bahhh! And I am now delighted to know that this picture has been the picture of the day for 2 days now. WTF!! It is not ...