
Showing posts from October, 2009

Cool Cats Of The Sub.

I was just sitting in my toasty warm house when all the sudden..... BUZZZ BUZZZZ. Yes folks, my phone buzzed to let me know I had a text message. It was Cliff. Iwas tempted to just ignore it and continue working on my delightful farm. But being the amazing person that I am, I decided to stop and take the little time I had to read his message. What I recieved was this... It's The Picture Of The Day. Yes my dear readers, my picture was chosen over all the other millions of pictures. Ok well maybe not millions, but I like to think so. I am so amazing that my awesome picture was chosen. As exciting as this news is, I did not receive any prize for being an amazing photographer, or for my delicious artistic views, just a congrats. How pathetic is that!?! I was extremely disappointed, but then I realized, I don't need a prize to tell me I have a great taste in art. Bahhh! And I am now delighted to know that this picture has been the picture of the day for 2 days now. WTF!! It is not

Photo Friday October 9th

Unfortunately I did not take this picture, but I couldn't resist sharing this with everyone. I was surfing the lovely internet one day at lunch and found this beaut. Does this make anyone else uncomfortable? The guy in the front looks as if he is enjoying it a bit too much. It just makes me giggle. I hope it does the same for you.