
Showing posts from November, 2009

Step By Step

2:17 AM- Chase Mickey down the street cursing and being sleeted on. 8:47 AM- A text from Mema waking me up...."Good morning! How was your evening? Did you know Amanda and Heff are coming today? Would you be able to come with them?" --I am freaking tired. Thoughts going throught my head--I am so tired! Why did I leave my phone on? 8:55 AM- Mema calls. --Act as if I have been awake for at least 2 hours. Clear the throat, try to speak in falsetto. Fall back asleep 9:43 AM- Decided to finally crawl out of bed and put some clothes on and pretend to be happy to be awake. Mozie on down the stairs and brush my teeth, put water in my hair to make it look as if I showered. 9:54 AM- Leave my house for work to put green tape on the laser tag walls. 11:22 AM- Amanda tells me that Tabatha is at work. Go to get my eyebrows waxed. 12:37 PM- Arrive at home and decide that I am really hungry. Thinking to myself--Do I want to eat pizza or enchiladas? Mid-Day Dilemma. 12:42 PM- Sit at home and r...