
Showing posts from March, 2010

San Francisco- Where I Belong

My life rocks, no matter how many plans fall through. Original plans were to go the the West Coast and start in Seattle and drive down to Northern California, but Ben and Liz broke up meaning we lose Ben, Alexa is not getting scheduled at work meaning she has no money, Two people down so it would have just been Cliff, Liz and Me. So it fell through. Mean while, Natalie, basically my most favorite person in the entire world, is living with my family until May when she and her family can get a house in Denver. Well when having everything moved from Hawaii to the main land means that the car has to be shipped as well. The port the car is shipped to is in San Francisco, Richmond to be specific. ROAD TRIP!!! Woot, next thing I know I am on a plane with the coolest and most down to Earth person to ever exist. We land in Oakland, at this point we are both freaking out and super excited at the same time hoping we do not get mugged. We are get out of the airport and Natalie didn't know we ...

Scariest Moment Of My Life.

This morning, I wake up to the laughter of small children, kinda freak'd me out. I finally got enough courage to leave my room and fall into my usual routine. Put some shorts on (this is not really part of the norm, I just heard children so I thought I should be decent.) Stumble down the stairs. Empty my 50 gallon bladder. Figure out where that laughter is coming from, Corbin wants me to play Mario Kart on the 64. Happily I reply and accept the offer. Shower time, I was washing my face and and I looked at my hands after putting the face wash on and I saw 4 eyelashes, WTF! Am I loosing my eyelashes? I am freaking out thinking that I have a disease that makes my eyelashes fall out. It almost made me pee, but I refrained. Could you imagine a life without eyelashes? I dont think I could... Everyone would have googly eyes and look like Flo from those Progressive Commercials.

24 Hour Convenience Store of Life.

**Ding Ding** (Customer Walks In) Hello, can I help you find something? -Oh yes, I was just looking for the artificial friendship? Isle 4, Left hand side. -Thanks. Also, we are running a special on the "Use Me for Your Benefit" Collection. -Oh perfect I was looking at that for the past week. It has been pretty popular lately. (Customer Walks Away) *Sigh* (Customer Returns With Artificial Friendship, "Use Me for Your Benefit" Collection Pieces, and a copy of How to Mess With His Feelings and Screw Him Over. ) Is this everything for you tonight? -Ya, I really wasn't looking to actaully spend anything but these few things caught my attention. **Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep** (Scanning Items.) Alright, Your total comes to Being nice at first, then showing your true colors and a bunch of wasted time. -Wow, prices have gone up lately... Ya, here's your receipt and have a great night. **Ding, Ding** (Customer Walks Leaves.)