
Showing posts from January, 2010

To Whom It May Concern...

Dear 2010, Welcome! I know you have been here for amost 30 days, but I still think it is important to tell you the things that are going to happening or should be happening thoughout the next 335 days. 1. Help me be able to brush my teeth and not jiggle 2. Allow me to move out in August 3. Put in a good word for me at a good paying job 4. Take a couple of boxes to DI for me 5. Send me to Seattle, Portland, and California 6. Give me tickets to a show in Vegas 7. Teach me to listen to people and actually listen 8. Enter some of my photos in a show 9. Teach me to sight read 10. Read me a couple of good books (Actually GOOD books) 11. Teach me to swim 12. And do not get upset with me when I make last minute decisions. Thank you and I look forward to working with you throughout the year. If you have any questions, I would not be the person to ask, please direct them to the Director of Fate. Sincerly, Jacob Diller

Cupcake Domination

So the other day, I was chilling at home and my mother made some delicious cupcakes....And I just wanted to see how big my mouth really way. Enough said. Arielle, I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.

A World Of New

New Year, new semester, new love interest, new friends, new underwear. Who knew so many new things would come about all at the same time! New Years, such a good start to the year. Played some cards, had some fun, then went to Idaho Falls... and well the rest is history. New semester just started, and I am already freaking out. Anatomy and Physiology is kicking my trash, maybe I can convince someone to let me use them as my "Model" for reviewing the different parts of the body haha. New love interest, well we all know what that means, but because of the semester starting, I am unable to focus on my love interest. Sorry interest of mine, but you have to be put on hold, at least until summer. I won't be able to make it up to Idaho Falls that often haha!! New friends, Dear Arielle, It was freaking awesome to have to come here and stay with Nanette. I had such a great time and I know Nanette did as well. I will always have a special spot in my eye for your tongue. New underwea