
Showing posts from April, 2010

The Home Stretch.

The Week Before Dead Week. Dead Week. Finals Week. Freedom. I am about to pull my intestines out my ears, fry them up and feed them to the annoying neighbors. School has gotten the best of me this semester. Anatomy has killed me, revived me and just chopped off my limbs one by one. Math is ridiculous. I have cried over two assignments for that class. What? Who just cried over being frustrated with math? Math has been making me feel like someone gave me a uterus, cervix and ovaries and told me I was pregnant. All my other classes are going well. I get caught up on the hours of lost sleep during Deaf Disorders and Differences, go on good runs during History and Choir is my relief. Although Dr. Anderson knows I am retarded with it comes to music, he still allows me to sing in the choir. Home is definately not pleasant. The woman whose uterus I climbed out of is practicing the silent treatment...and boy is she good at it. I am not too hurt by that, it gives me more time to spend with Natal

Vomit Up My Life

This is the time in the semester I wish I had one of those time traveling necklaces like the one in Harry Potter. I would get the hell away from this semester and just go right to when I am an Audiologist that owns my own practice in New York or San Francisco. God, life would be perfect. Tonight, took another quiz for Anatomy and Physiology, definately failed it. 50%. Sheesh, thought I was going to pass the class, guess I better enroll for it next semester as well. Oh and Dr. Bunde, you are a joke. I dunno why ISU decides to keep all the professors that end up failing the majority of their classes, maybe if the Administration would have let go of the bad teachers and kept the good ones, ISU would not have such a low graduation rate. Hmmm, just a thought. Decided to go shopping with my sister the other night and I saw the must gorgeous dress for my niece, yes I bought it for her. It was yellow and Kayleigh looks absolutely adorable in yellow. Come home show my mom a picture of the dress

You Like Downward Dog, But I Like Trikonasana

Who knew that yoga was something enjoyable? I always thought it was some stupid way of contorting one's body which was influenced by the Kama Sutra. Boy was I just thinking like a normal guy or what? I decided to try it out and I freaking love it. It is so nice and I don't have to sit on the floor and bend my legs just to touch my toes! Woot, and who knew it would make running more enjoyable too? Odd eh? Well the trip to San Francisco kinda put me back a little and my legs started to cramp, sittin in a car for hours is definately not good haha. But where there is a will, there is a way. And yes that is the butterfly pose.