Vomit Up My Life

This is the time in the semester I wish I had one of those time traveling necklaces like the one in Harry Potter. I would get the hell away from this semester and just go right to when I am an Audiologist that owns my own practice in New York or San Francisco. God, life would be perfect.

Tonight, took another quiz for Anatomy and Physiology, definately failed it. 50%. Sheesh, thought I was going to pass the class, guess I better enroll for it next semester as well. Oh and Dr. Bunde, you are a joke. I dunno why ISU decides to keep all the professors that end up failing the majority of their classes, maybe if the Administration would have let go of the bad teachers and kept the good ones, ISU would not have such a low graduation rate. Hmmm, just a thought.

Decided to go shopping with my sister the other night and I saw the must gorgeous dress for my niece, yes I bought it for her. It was yellow and Kayleigh looks absolutely adorable in yellow. Come home show my mom a picture of the dress I bought, and the reaction I get is... "Wait you bought that for her? That is a little weird you buying a dress. You are doing weird things lately."
Good God, is it now offensive to spoil your niece? I didn't catch that memo. It seems as if lately I have been walking around my house with the F word scribbled across my forehead pissing everyone off that I come in contact with. Hopefully moving out will come sooner than expected, tax return is on its way, just got paid, and gonna remind the parents that they owe me $40.

Nonetheless, life is great with Natalie here. She makes my whole day better, even when I come home freaking out about bad test scores, unaccepting adult figures, or annoying co-workers/aquaintances. Let's play some mario and kill those gumbas.

Math quiz coming up this Thursday and I going to kick it square in the root. Ah haha, pun.


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