The Home Stretch.

The Week Before Dead Week. Dead Week. Finals Week. Freedom.

I am about to pull my intestines out my ears, fry them up and feed them to the annoying neighbors. School has gotten the best of me this semester. Anatomy has killed me, revived me and just chopped off my limbs one by one. Math is ridiculous. I have cried over two assignments for that class. What? Who just cried over being frustrated with math? Math has been making me feel like someone gave me a uterus, cervix and ovaries and told me I was pregnant. All my other classes are going well. I get caught up on the hours of lost sleep during Deaf Disorders and Differences, go on good runs during History and Choir is my relief. Although Dr. Anderson knows I am retarded with it comes to music, he still allows me to sing in the choir.

Home is definately not pleasant. The woman whose uterus I climbed out of is practicing the silent treatment...and boy is she good at it. I am not too hurt by that, it gives me more time to spend with Natalie and do homework. Parents do not understand that family loves each other unconditionally in any circumstance.

This summer I am thinking of going to live in Denver! Oh my God, I am so excited. I really hope that everything works out and I can go. Natalie said I could come live with her and Jeremy. Work opportunity? Yes, Buckley Airforce Base...What will I be doing? Not really sure, but it would be one hell of an awesome place to work. I have the change to make more money than actually military personnel. And how awesome would it be to live in a place that has culture... I mean you sit here and watch people and this is what you see...

White Person, White Person, White Person, Ugly White Person, Asian, White Person, White Person, Tan White Person.

In Denver You see...

Black Person, Mexican Person, Asian Person, Black Person, White Person, Black Person, Gorgeous People!!

It is official, I want to live there.


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