Will It Say That You Will Be By My Side?

There are very few things that could had made today an even better day.
I started today with a very early start. Did my usual Tuesday lawn mowing and I started to mow the man, Sean, that asked me to mow his lawn for $100.00. I have NEVER seen grass so tall. It was like walking into a back yard of grass as tall as a 3rd grader. Yes, grass 4 feet tall! It was slightly ridiculous. Instead of mowing a lawn in an hour and getting fast cash, it has taken me a total of 4 hours complete. I have learned the first rule in lawn mowing, ALWAYS look at a lawn before give OR accepting an offer. If I were to have come looked at the lawn before I would have asked for at least $150.00 including supplies, gas and bags. It took a total of 9 extra large lawn bags. And in each extra large lawn bag, I could dump the mower bag 5 time...ya that means I had to stop 45 times to empty the bag. All in all, it was worth the money. Now what to do with the money? Go shopping? Pay off my AE credit card? do maintenance on my car? Save it? I am thinking at least change my oil and spark plugs on my car and then use the rest to make a dent in my AE card.

Tonight is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2! O.M.G. I am so excited! It is totally going to be worth the $12.00 for the ticket. I so wish I could dress up!! Like full out wand and robes. At least I am going though :) I was one of the lucky souls that bought my ticket early...while they were still available. Huzzah! I have been watching the Harry Potter trailer non stop. I am in love with it. (Notice the lower case l on love :) haha) A review to be expected soon.

While working at Deleta, I got a very awesome phone call. Jeffrey called me just to tell me about all the HP fan down in Tucson. It was nice just to talk to him again. Enough for now :)


  1. OMG! I loved Harry Potter! I got to see it at the drive-in so I wouldn't get fuzzy! I cried, I laughed, I felt all tingly. It was well done, if not completely faithful to the book! I was so excited I got to see it on opening day!!!!!! Did you love it?


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