Your Kisses + Facial Hair.

Registered, Finally. I dunno what it is about this summer but I have a huge lack of motivation. No motivation to work, see people, do anything related to school, get my car fixed, no motivation. After a huge break down at the beginning of the semester, I decided to get BACK on the school train. I almost gave up and dropped out. I was convinced that I was never going to finish school and that my student loans were going to eat me alive. I got to the moment where I ended up hating what I was studying, mind you that I wasn't taking any classes towards my major, except Sign Language.

The last semester was so hard I nearly cried every day because of how tough it was. I think back to just a few months ago and wonder how I even did it. I am not one for crying over school work but I remember 4 times where I could not handle the stress anymore and I would leave campus in tears. Crying over how hard Technical and Professional Writing was, how hard it was to create so many documents and do it in a professional manner and format. Crying over how hard Statistics was. I couldn't get the concept. Feeling so stupid for NOT understanding how to find the area under a curve [I am starting to tear up just at the thought of it, silly]. Crying over how difficult it was to write 24 pages of insight from stupid videos for Social Diversity. I have never felt so incompetent in my life. Some how I pulled through though. And here I am, just barely getting registered for classes, but at least I did it. It is so hard trying to get back into the swing of things.

Goal for this semester is to pass all my Major classes with A's.
The Exceptional Child
Clinical Phonetics and Phonology
Language Sciences and Development

I can do this. Now I just have to get around to paying fees, and buying books...


  1. i have no motivation either. you are not the only.

  2. I have faith you can do it Jake...just like I have faith that someday I will make the perfect pecan pie...or that trolls exist and that they steal your socks...but only the left ones. What's up with that?

  3. Aww Jake, you and I have intertwined lives when it comes to the classes we are taking. Stats was hard, you had a much better grade than I but I am keeping my c+ and happy for it *U* Tech writing wasn't too bad, and social diversity was a ton of writing but it boost my GPA, Language Sciences was a good class. I am taking the exceptional child this semester!!! I am beyond excited!!! I also have phonetics so maybe we can help each other out. Keep on being you, your world is just beginning!!!! I KNOW!!!!

  4. I thought Aud majors didn't have to take the Phonetics lab??? And, you can do it sweetie! Those classes are not too bad :) Remember, I have those books, so let me know when you are ready for a swap <3

  5. Melissa, motivation is so hard to come by this summer and I dunno know. ha ha ps, it made my whole night when I saw that you read my blog :)

    Mady, thanks, I need SOMEONE to have faith in me. And usually the trolls just mix my socks up so they don't match when I put them on.

    Kati, Oh my gosh I am so happy to know that you read my blog! I have missed you so much. We need to go to lunch really soon and catch up. I really hope that we have Exceptional Child and Phonetics together :) That would make this semester a little bit easier for me!

    Gina, thank you so much sweetie! You are so good to me. And I am taking the Phonetics Lab because I am doing an Elective Course Option instead of a language so if I take the lab it counts as part of my credits towards that option :)

  6. Jake darling, as the ruler of the universe (you know the one with lots of cookies and fudge to keep people happy and we don't gain weight from it) I always have faith in friends. Even in the real world I believe in my friends that they can do whatever they set their mind too. If I didn't think you were capable of great things I wouldn't have you be the represenative for one of the many planets I rule. Honestly. The trolls are much nicer to you than me. They steal my left socks all the time! Maybe they give them to you...have you found any pink fuzzy bunny shaped socks lately? :)

  7. We do need to do lunch and catch up, and of course I read your blog, I am the worlds greatest blog stalker of ALL time!! ^_^

    Oh and Mady, the sock thing is always the worse, that is why they created the greatest sock shop around, LittleMissMatched, they come with three socks in a set, confuses the trolls that way ;)

  8. Kati you're brilliant! I need to get some of those! The trolls would never know what to do that way! It also makes me happy you blog stalk too! Jake's blog is so much fun to stalk too!

  9. So is yours ^_^ now my stalkerness has been exposed, YIKES!!!!

  10. Ah, I see. Well, I have the cds for the lab!


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