Hobo With A Broken Leg, That Sucks.

Happy 4th of July ya'll. Independence Day is one of my very favorite holidays!! So much to celebrate and just everything to smile about and be thankful for. Thank you to all of our members of the Armed Forces. You make this holiday possible to continue year after year.

Although it is my favorite holiday, it was a weird day. I didn't feel like it was a special day. I felt as if today was just an ordinary day where people just happened to be playing with fireworks. This year I didn't even purchase a single firework. Normally I go all out for this day. Spending hundreds of dollars, but not this year. Watching the fireworks was wonderful. It is a nice get away from all the evil in the world. I noticed that I have always been single on the 4th of July and this year was no different. I did really enjoy myself, but I wish I would have had something to watch fireworks with. Someone to cuddle with and admire the balls of fire as they light up the evening sky.

Tonight I was told someone thinks of me as a player. It nearly tore my heart up when I was told that. Sad thing is I saw the individual that thinks I am a player yesterday and we had a delightful chat. It hurts to see how misguided my thoughts of friendship are sometimes. This person says I have a charm and I play people with it. For one, I would like to know what this charm is, so I can direct it towards the one person I want right now. Maybe I am oblivious to what I am doing...maybe I am a player? What if this person is right and I had no clue?

It if oddly nerve racking to discover peoples' real opinions about me. Seeing the front people hold in front of me, and then immediately let it down the second my back is turned.

I think tomorrow I will go buy some sparklers.


  1. You want something to watch the fireworks with? Well if we're going to broaden your search to something, maybe a dog or a stuffed animal. They rarely talk back and love you no matter what. Or maybe a plant. They are always good for talking too. Yup yup...that's my suggestion.

    As to you being a player...at best (and I really don't think this) you are an unintentional player. I personally think your a flirt but I've told you this to your face so I don't mind telling you again. Just remember I became a hermit for a reason...yup yup. Perhaps you should investigate it too. :)

  2. Thank you Mady. I know I am a flirt, and lately I have toned it down like no bodies business. I never saw myself as a player...mainly because I didn't think there was anything really I could offer. And I dunno what this 'charm' this person was talking about. The Hermit option might come sooner than thought :)


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