
Showing posts from September, 2009

Discouragement Is Discouraged.

Ahhh! School is taking over my life. Stressing too much about English, Math is not getting any better. Choir is hardcore and I need to find someone to work for me Friday night. Happy Birthday Kristen. I just need a big glass of wine to calm my racing head. I don't want to be an Audiologist anymore. I can't stay in school for another 8 years! When am I going to have time to date, start a family, do the things I want. I do want to be able to provide for a family, if I ever get the far. Jake you are being stupid. Just make an appointment with Dr. Flipsen and he will help you get through all this. No he wont. He specializes in Speech disorders in the heck is that going to help me with Audiology. I need an AUDIOLOGIST to be my advisor for cryin out loud! He knows what he is talking about. If he can't answer your questions, I am sure there are a few people in the same building that know the answers. E-mail him and make an appointment for Thursday. Ok I guess your

The Common Questions.

I am a very open perosn, I like to believe. If someone has a quesiton, I am always open for them to come and ask me. And being who I am, I will asnwer the question, HONESTLY. People deserve honesty if they have the courage to actaully ask a question. Why am I writing this? In hopes that people who are too afraid to ask me certain questions, that they will grow a pair and just ask me. I don't get offended over stuff. But if you are still too afraid to ask the questions, I would delight in answering them. 1) Are you Mormon? Yes I am. But I like to look at myself as a Christian. I dislike how people do not believe that I am a Christian. I believe there is a Christ. But people say Mormons are not Christian because we "worship" some guy named Joseph Smith. False accusation. We do not worship him. He is the first Prophet in our church and has brought to pass The Book of Mormon. Why people criticize us for having this book, I do not know why. Other religions have their own "

Belated Photo Friday September 18th

Dead avid readers, I apologize for missing last seeks Photo Friday. I was out of town on a camping trip to Camp Kumbayah for a choir retreat. Regardless of the absolutely ridiculous name of the camp, I had a funderful time. This is a lovely picture of a piano. It speaks to me without even vocalizing a syllable.

Photo Friday September 4th

Hello my avid blog followers. I know today is Sunday and I am posting a Photo FRIDAY blog. My excuse is as follows, I WAS WORKING ALL DAY. I hope that is a good enough excuse for everyone. Ok So, a few weeks ago my and some good friends, Caitlyn Robbins and Shail Carman decided to start a new project. It is called Photo ABC's. The way it works is for ever letter of the alphabet, we find an object that starts with that letter. For example, M is for Monkey Bars. Hence me hanging from the monkey bars...and No I was NOT monkeying around. I was tucking in my shirt andthe camera just happened to go off at the exact time. I Once I get all the letters done, I will add link to an album for everyone to see the finished project. Enjoy!