The Common Questions.

I am a very open perosn, I like to believe. If someone has a quesiton, I am always open for them to come and ask me. And being who I am, I will asnwer the question, HONESTLY. People deserve honesty if they have the courage to actaully ask a question. Why am I writing this? In hopes that people who are too afraid to ask me certain questions, that they will grow a pair and just ask me. I don't get offended over stuff. But if you are still too afraid to ask the questions, I would delight in answering them.

1) Are you Mormon? Yes I am. But I like to look at myself as a Christian. I dislike how people do not believe that I am a Christian. I believe there is a Christ. But people say Mormons are not Christian because we "worship" some guy named Joseph Smith. False accusation. We do not worship him. He is the first Prophet in our church and has brought to pass The Book of Mormon. Why people criticize us for having this book, I do not know why. Other religions have their own "Correctly Translated" Bible. Good them those religions. If That makes them feel good, and closer to God, so be it. I think religion is hope for people that there is something after this life and not just death. It doesn't matter how you worship. People do not have the right to criticize other religions. It is worng on all levels.

2) Are you gay? No I am not. People think I am gay becuase of how happy I am all the time and how open I can be. That is just my personality. And other people say I have the "Gay Voice." What ever that mean. When I voice a question, my voice automatically goes up and adds a little feminine sound. It is a common thing in people. DUH! Listen to everyone when they speak. If you base your opinion of who is gay and who is not upon that factor, then you must think everyone is gay. I have nothing against gay people either. I have lots of gay friends and just become I enjoy hanging out with them doesn't mean I am gay myself. I am against Prop 8. I believe if I person has found love, regardless of their gender, that person has the right to persue love.

3) Mission? No. If you want to know details...opinions, come ask me in person. It is far much easier to talk about then write down.

Well there ya go all you uneasy saps. This all came about because people will ask me about these questions, but don't believe me. HELLO! YOU ARE TALKING TO THE SOURCE!!!


  1. But Jake you haven't answered perhaps the most crucial of you believe in non-committal making out and if so wanna come over for :)

  2. No committal making out is a good thing. Girls get too attached and guys just need someone to get it out of their system. So I APPROVE of non-committal makingout.

  3. Jake! I love you!! You crack me up!! Go kiss a girl and get it out of your system! You need to explore a bit ;)


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