Summer Of Suck.

this summer has been nothing but suckage. it is a black hole stealing all the interest i might have in anyone or anything. today was a waste of my time. where is the magic marker to draw in something interesting or worth while?

i have been a workaholic lately. work from 8 in the morning to roughly 11 at night ever day, 6 days a week. don't get me wrong the cash is wonderful, but the constant tiredness and loneliness is certainly a drawback. i dunno really how all these jobs came my way. working at nop and ok ward park, i was basically given the job without even meeting my bosses. a and b reality, friends mom graciously asked me if i was interested in working..hell yes! lawns? just by pure luck did i manage to land those jobs.

working for a and b reality is a really great thing for me. i basically get to make my own schedule, just gotta get it all done before a certain time. the sooner the better. i get to do all the fun and dirty work of cleaning and repairing a rental. it is so great. the first two weeks were all pulling up carpet, pads, tile and doing come intense cleaning. the following week is painting! oh my god and i in love with it. i find all that work super relaxing and love to just paint, i get to see what is accomplished from all my hard work.

today was also my last day at the nop/ok ward park gig. thank gods. i am so happy to be out of there. ya sure the extra cash is nice, but i am not sure it is worth having to explain to a lady that YOU PUT YOUR OWN DAMN KETCHUP ON THE HOT DOG!!!

weight goal almost achieved! i have 5 more pounds to go and i am gonna be at my weight when i was 16! woot. it has been a while. time to say goodbye to zach, taylor, and margret. my sister meagan has accepted the challenge and is my personal trainer. i cannot wait to finally have a square chest and the time on the hour glass shape has run out.

the parent are pestering me again about the whole church and my feeling issue. good lord when are the gonna come to terms that they have a gay son that does not like to be surrounded by the high and mighty mormon culture. i assume that will definately not happen anytime soon.

i have entered the age of loners. all my friends...that consists of like 3 people, are all to busy for me at the moment. i do not blame them, i have been unavaliable for a long time, but it always seems that once i get time, my three friends all have plans and/or have so much going on.

i miss school. i at least had structure and was forced to communicate with people. being social was demanded of me. i had no time for supid roller coaster tycoon addictions or will and grace marathons every day.

oh the life of a sinner.


  1. Dear Jake,
    Come visit me. We'll make your life so much better down here. I love you.

  2. Jake there are times I worry about you.


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