I Wouldn't Know Where To Squat.

There are so many things I wish in this world. Wish I was taller. I wish I could look good in my own clothes. I wish I didn't have to struggle with the unfortunate car break down. I wish I had more friends. I wish I didn't have to go to school. I wish I had enough money to comfortably live. I wish I could obtain th things in life I want and Jeffrey wants. I wish I could afford things. I wish writing wasn't so hard for me. I wish academics came easily for me. I wish I was as close with my family as I use to be. I wish I didn't get upset as much as I do. I wish my dad would have the garage he has wanted for so many years. I wish I was stronger, physically, mentally and emotionally. I wish I wasn't looked down upon for being Gay. I wish Natalie lived so much closer. I wish Jeff and Jessica would stop smoking. I wish Amanda didn't have to struggle financially. I wish Meagan didn't get frustrated so easily. I wish Tyler never got in his accident. I wish Jeffrey would have his motorhome. I wish people could understand the way I think. I wish I really enjoyed work. I wish Nanette will become a Paid professional singer. I wish I could be enough. I wish I could make people happy. I wish to be equal. I wish to be married. I wish to have kids one day. I wish I could sleep at night. I wish my hair wasn't thinning. I wish people actually liked me for me. I wish I didn't have to wear a mask when i get scared. I wish I could say what really was in my mind. I wish words came easily to me.

There are so many things that I wish for and most of them, if not all, will never come true. But the thing I have been wishing for a lot lately is for something cute to happen. I dunno what exactly but something so cute that it may even make me cry. Tonight I was standing in the livingroom listening to one of my favorite songs, So Close by Jon McLaughlin, and I just wanted to dance...so bad. There were some candles that were lit and it looked super romantic and the urge to just dance to the song filled me. It is super lame because who just does that!? I mean you only see a couple dancing in their livingroom in the movies. Maybe that is what I should start wishing for...my life to be a movie or even a fairytale. Silly huh. Maybe then it would get easier.


  1. That's not even true. I've danced in a kitchen here at school. So it does happen in real life sometimes.

    And I wish my life was a TV show-all of my problems would be easily solved in a half an hour.

  2. I agree with Tiffany. The other day Josh turned on the music when I was having a bad day and danced with me in the living room.. and he isn't the best dancer... haha but it was cute and made me feel much better! I love you Jakeup Diller and I can't wait to see you on Monday!!! Yay the one thing I am excited for when school starts!

  3. I wish you knew how special you are. I wish you understood that in the short amount of time we've known each other, you've totally impacted my life, and I'll never forget you. I wish you didn't feel bad,EVER. I wish everything that you wish for at 11:11 would come true. I wish that if your life ever does become a movie or tv show, that I'm involved cuz that would be totally radtastic. And I wish that I can be as great of a friend to you as you have been to me!

    I love you Jacob! :)


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