
Showing posts from February, 2013

Does My Staring Creep You Out? No, It Excites Me.

I dunno what the hell is going on outside my apartment, but it sounds like a truck is repeatedly running over the curb, and hitting a metal garbage can  full of pop cans. Every time I look out the  window, there is no truck, and no metal can full of pop cans. Maybe I am losing it.  Ummmm, guess who is going to see Mika, LIVE in SLC?! That's right, this Homo! And guess who else? NATALIE FREAKING CUTHBERT!!! Eeeek!! We are gonna have an ultimate freak out!  I cannot wait!! It is gonna be one hellofa concert! Oh, I am taking Mike too :P He needs to meet Natalie. All I can say is this is gonna be one crazy weekend! Spring Break cannot come fast enough! 

You're Trickin' Me Daddikin!

For Starters, New Years Eve at Charley's with Mike Aka Boyfriend :) Now you all have seen a photo of him. He is real, no fake boyfriend here. Such a cutie, and Mike is cute too :P Myself with the lovely Wendy! Wendy is one of the sweetest individuals I have ever had the privilege to know.  Here are the Gays :) And some random Mini-Mexi-Mama. She was absolutely in love with all of us. Never got her name, but definitely snapped a photo of her with us Gays :) Gettin' my diggity dance on with Kaylee! Such a sexy gal!  Partying with Mary and the Gays. There is a lot of awkward hand placement here. The dancing crew! 3 years ago I met these lovelies at Charley's and they accepted me into their group. I could have never asked for greater friends. I owe a lot of my confidence to these 3 people. I love you Brad, Jodi and Robyn! Thank you for being so kind. Leave it to Derek to photo bomb a great photo with John! 12:00, Midnigh

Piaget, It Just Rolls Off The Tongue.

Holy Anti-Blog Batman! I can't believe I am really off  the blog train. I never thought this would happen. I was such an avid blogger before and now I rarely even check my  stats. So much for this being a great stress reliever.  We will see if I can get back into it. Neuro class is kicking my ass. I do not like this material. I used to think I was pretty smart, but when I am  in this class I just sit there not understanding what is happening. The thing that I do not really understand is  the size of the structures talked about in the class. I would like to know exactly how BIG a neuron is. Does a neuron stretch from the brain ALLLLLL the way to your toe? Or what? I just don't get it. Professors show you all these diagrams of what they look like, but they never tell you  the size of anything we talk about. Up until a year ago I thought  my lungs were each the size of basketballs.  Dear Professors of all kinds: I would appreciate it if you wou