Piaget, It Just Rolls Off The Tongue.

Holy Anti-Blog Batman! I can't believe I am really off 
the blog train. I never thought this would happen. I was such
an avid blogger before and now I rarely even check my 
stats. So much for this being a great stress reliever. 
We will see if I can get back into it.

Neuro class is kicking my ass. I do not like this
material. I used to think I was pretty smart, but when I am 
in this class I just sit there not understanding what is happening.
The thing that I do not really understand is 
the size of the structures talked about in the class.
I would like to know exactly how BIG a neuron is.
Does a neuron stretch from the brain ALLLLLL the way to
your toe? Or what? I just don't get it. Professors show you
all these diagrams of what they look like, but they never tell you 
the size of anything we talk about. Up until a year ago I thought 
my lungs were each the size of basketballs. 
Dear Professors of all kinds:
I would appreciate it if you would give some ACTUAL
proportions of structures inside my body please. Thanks.

As for Boyfriendland, smiles all around. 
I know I haven't mentioned said Boyfriend's name 
and that is because of the fear of jixing things. BUT I don't 
think that will be happening anytime soon. 
So for without further adieu

Boyfriend= Mike

Yeah, okay, just a name doesn't really do a WHOLE lot, so be patient
I'll post some photos of us. 

Smiles all around you say? Yes. Even though we have moments of
freak-out, we both smile and communicate . . Which 
is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Who would  have thought that 
communication would keep a relationship alive. 

Well for now, that's it. Here's a photo from Christmas. 
Yeah those are bells on my sweater. 
Hurray for Christmas. 


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