MJ, Can't Say I'll Miss You.

Michael Jackson died yesterday, June 25th, along with a hundred other people! What makes hims so special that the producers of MTV and VH1 stop all shows and do a tribute to Michael Jackson? Honestly what good for mankind did he do? He wrote music, danced and molested little boys...doesn't seem that special to me. I could see if reasonable to do a Tribute to Him if he did something life changing, like cure Cancer or the common cold or even fund a project to better mankind. Really, anyone can write music, heck I write music. I am pretty sure that when I die, CNN or NBC won't have a 2 day special on my life and the many things I did not accomplish. Maybe I should go get my nose replaced and turned into plastic and dye my skin a color it isn't suppose to be, maybe then will I get a 2 day special about my life. The thing that really blows my mind, do people really not know that celebrities die too? He had to die sooner or later. Sooner is better, now the world's little boys don't have to hide in fear anymore. Nonetheless, Michael did produce a lot of very great music. My top 5 are definately,
1. Black Or White
2. Thriller
3. Billie Jean
4. Beat It
5. Smooth Criminal
Michael you personally will not be missed by me, but your music...well not that you were coming out with anything anyways, will live on.


  1. Ummm, let me think! He died on my b-day! That's waht makes him so damn special!


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