
Showing posts from August, 2009

Photo Friday August 28th

This is definately one of my favorite pictures. I took this from my roof one day while contemplating life and what direction I am headed. It was amazing to me how just sitting up on the roof, can make you feel so secluded, even though I can see everything and everyone that come down my street. Well I am not going to go into the whole conversation I had with myself on the roof that lovely summer day, that shall be saved for a later date. Just looking at the picture helps me return to a place where it is peaceful and where I can be alone to ponder life and the many things that are in it.

Freshman Orientation.

This year I have decided that I want to be more involved in school and the activities going on at the university. So I found myself down in the Involvement Center at ISU. I didn't realize how serious I was about getting involved until I showed up there. I signed up and next think I knew I was in a training session for Freshman Orientation as a group leader. How the heck!?! I show up bright and early at ISU on the 21st of August and begin my life as a student leader. Can I just say that all the people I met there were freaking awesome. I really enjoyed they whole session. At first I was a little nervous because I didn't know what to expect and I knew absolutely NO ONE!! Not to worry, I just realized that I CAN make friends. ha ha Monday morning rapidly approached and it is now time for the freshmen to show up. Things were going pretty grand when all the sudden Shane and Chess say "Hey I need some volunteers to go and walk around the building to find all the lost freshmen.&q

Photo Friday August 21st

One day, Kayleigh my niece, came to me with my roll of Suran Wrap. So naturally I decided to push her over and wrap her upso she wasn't able to walk or basically move. It was the funniest thing in the world. As she was hopping around, I was thinking to myself, "It would be freaking hilarious if Kayleigh totally fell over." And not 20 seconds later I see this mass of pink fall face first onto the floor! I was laughing so hard that I might have peed a little bit. Enjoy I hope you may get the same pleasure from it as I did.

The Start Of Stress.

College. The one word that makes me think Stress, Confusion, Sleepless Nights, Panic, and the ever so popular Procrastination. I am so ready for the stress to start. I am one of those sick and twisted people that is really excited for school to start again! Even though I am taking an English class, the spawn of Satan, I want to get in the whole stress of getting all my work done. This semester is going to be great. Not to mention I will have a couple friends in my classes, which always makes the class go by much smoother. I have Cliff and Cam for Psychology, Cam for Music and Deaf Education, Mady for English and as for Math, I am not worried about that. I do much better when I don't have people there to distract me. So Bring it on College. I am so ready for you. It will be so nice to actually have something to do in the day time besides watch children and sit at home. Work only helps so much...there is a limited amount of unlearned childern I can handle every day. Don't get me

My Current Want

I just want to press fast forward on my life and get to the part where I get married and have babies. Plain and simple.

Photo Friday August 14th

THE ROPE GAME! The famous game using a lanyard or a piece of rope. All you need to do it Step 1: Hold the lanyard above your head with both hands. Step 2: Spin around in 10 circles while looking up at the lanyard. Step 3: After the last spin, drop the lanyard and jump over it. Pretty simple huh? Well give it a try, it really isn't that easy. It is a really fun game to play with a lot of people. Which reminds me a of a story. Backstage of How To Succeed In Busniess Without Really Trying. Becky Green + Rope Game = Head Into A Heater. Put the pieces together and you will discover that Becky Green tried the rope game and she got so dizzy that she fell head first into a heater on the back wall. It was a great show! :)

Work Out Challenge,,,Again.

Ring Ring goes the phone, "Jake there is this lady that is selling gym memberships for 3 months only for $20. We should do it. If you did it, I would be more likely to go to the gym. Think of it as you are my motivator." Well Yes I am suckered into getting a gym membership and I am going to try to loose weight once again. Hurray...hopefully it works. I started running again. I stopped because of the New York trip and Mema wouldn't let me go running in New York...I don't know why yet. Something about the big city and the possibility of getting mugged at any given point freaks her out. Now I am starting my running up again. I bike to work every day, not like that is huge or anything because work is 4 minutes away but still its the thought that counts right? I am Saving gas, helping the environment and giving my body the excerise it needs. Now every night I go running. Doens't matter where, I just go random places or when ever I feel like that night. But my runs usua

Photo Friday July 7th

This is the 'Before Picture' right before we went to dinner at a delicious Old Country Buffet. It was so freak good. And there was CORNBREAD! The most delicious food in the world!! Notice the happiness in my face and the Noticable Expression of Hunger on my face.... And this is the after picture...Who knew that it could be so delicious and yet so miserable at the same time. Regrets? NONE!

Custom Service On The East Coast.

The East coast is the worst for customer service. So you all know the story about the gal with the personality of a mushroom at the Microtel Inn in DC. Somehow that isn't the worst. We get into some little po-dunk village in New York and we pull up to a Burger King, at least it wasn't McDonalds. We get inside and the girl at the counter says to us, "You should get a salad because everything else here tastes gross this late and night." 1st off it is only 9 at night and I am pretty sure things taste good no matter the time, and 2nd Who the heck does she think she is!!!! Her excuse for saying that is "We are closing in a little bit." I walked up to her and said, "You sign says you are open until 10:30...we still have an hour and a half." Come on people, don't mess with me. We talked to her manager and she wasn't very thrilled with her and they will be getting a phone call from me....Free coupons!! Woot! After the nice service of the Burger Kin

Photo Friday July 31st

According to this picture, I am in a place that doesn't have a name or really even exist, on a map that is. I am standing in between the U.S. and Canada Boarders...So basically I am standing on the back line on the maps. I decided to claim that land in the name of Jacob. I now have my own country. Woot go me!!!