Work Out Challenge,,,Again.

Ring Ring goes the phone,

"Jake there is this lady that is selling gym memberships for 3 months only for $20. We should do it. If you did it, I would be more likely to go to the gym. Think of it as you are my motivator."

Well Yes I am suckered into getting a gym membership and I am going to try to loose weight once again. Hurray...hopefully it works.

I started running again. I stopped because of the New York trip and Mema wouldn't let me go running in New York...I don't know why yet. Something about the big city and the possibility of getting mugged at any given point freaks her out. Now I am starting my running up again. I bike to work every day, not like that is huge or anything because work is 4 minutes away but still its the thought that counts right? I am Saving gas, helping the environment and giving my body the excerise it needs. Now every night I go running. Doens't matter where, I just go random places or when ever I feel like that night. But my runs usually are about 2 to 3 miles long. Go me!! With the gym membership hopefully I can stick with it, even if my sister doesn't want to go with me.

School is starting so that means A LOT of walking from class to class, that helps, and quick lunches, which work agains me. I hope that i can manage to eat right while going to school. I am still on my NO MCDONALDS kick! Hurray I have not eaten there since my last trip to Hawaii, about 2 years solid!

Wish me luck, I am trying and I hope to succeed this time.


  1. Jake I have faith in you! I too am once again trying the whole healthy living and eating course and perhaps we can help each other out a little with the keep with it talks. Though I must admit if you get unsnugable I might object but I'm all for the getting healthy thing! Way to be motivated!


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