Custom Service On The East Coast.

The East coast is the worst for customer service. So you all know the story about the gal with the personality of a mushroom at the Microtel Inn in DC. Somehow that isn't the worst. We get into some little po-dunk village in New York and we pull up to a Burger King, at least it wasn't McDonalds. We get inside and the girl at the counter says to us, "You should get a salad because everything else here tastes gross this late and night." 1st off it is only 9 at night and I am pretty sure things taste good no matter the time, and 2nd Who the heck does she think she is!!!! Her excuse for saying that is "We are closing in a little bit." I walked up to her and said, "You sign says you are open until 10:30...we still have an hour and a half." Come on people, don't mess with me. We talked to her manager and she wasn't very thrilled with her and they will be getting a phone call from me....Free coupons!! Woot!

After the nice service of the Burger King gal, we get to a little side of the road motel, What a scary place!! They only allow 4 people to a room, and there are 6 of us.... Do the math. We had a brilliant idea, Tiffany and Jake lay down in the back so the owners don't see you and we'll come out and get you in a little bit. Thinking it will work, we comply. After everyone else gets into the room we see a shadowed figure looking in the window of the van! The owner come over to make sure there wasn't anyone else!! WTF! Are you serious! It was totally freaky. We are in the middle on the woods in New York and some creepy lady is pokin her head in our car. Wow can't fool these people. We end up telling the lady that we are going to sleep in the car. She tells us this is a very safe place....Ok I don't think so. We are miles away from the closest highway and civilization. About after an hour of laying in the back of van, legs gone numb, my mom comes out to get us. Instrustions follow:

Stay quiet and low.
The owners live right there.
Stay in the shadows.
Make sure you have everything with you, no coming back to the van.

Yes, we have successfully been smuggled into a hotel. The hotel looks like one of the places on the Verizon commercials where there is a "dead zone."

Adventures will continue.


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