The Start Of Stress.

College. The one word that makes me think Stress, Confusion, Sleepless Nights, Panic, and the ever so popular Procrastination. I am so ready for the stress to start. I am one of those sick and twisted people that is really excited for school to start again! Even though I am taking an English class, the spawn of Satan, I want to get in the whole stress of getting all my work done. This semester is going to be great. Not to mention I will have a couple friends in my classes, which always makes the class go by much smoother. I have Cliff and Cam for Psychology, Cam for Music and Deaf Education, Mady for English and as for Math, I am not worried about that. I do much better when I don't have people there to distract me. So Bring it on College. I am so ready for you.

It will be so nice to actually have something to do in the day time besides watch children and sit at home. Work only helps so much...there is a limited amount of unlearned childern I can handle every day. Don't get me wrong I love my job, just ready for a change in scenery.

OH I just remembered, Wednesday is Baked Potato Soup Day! Even better, I cannot wait to have a taste of that delicious ISU food. It will satisfy every craving I have ever had. Gosh I love college.


  1. My dear Jake English is not the Spawn of Satan. If it were the Spawn of Satan frankly I'm pretty sure our dear church leaders would not be speaking it nor would some of them actually have spent time learning it. I do however believe that it will a fun filled challenge that will make sure that you will still be my friend for a semester. I've planned it all out you Now I just need to figure out what to do to make you be my friend next do you feel about a required community service of helping the unhelpaable? That might work.


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