
Showing posts from May, 2010

Danke Hangs On The Wall.

my butt looks fantastic in the above photo. that is all.

To My Constant Situations.

I wish i could be straight forward with people. there Are some people that i cannot speak my Mind to. i feel trapped within my own thoughts. who can i tell them to? obvisouly not the people i would like to. situation 1.--we use to be close. i shall use an egg analogy. i am the supportive, and Protective shell, while you are the inner material; you take form of whatever is around you. we were always together; we did everything with each other. then one day, you decided you did not want to be with a plain shell. you broke me and left me shattered for the cake mix. you wanted to be around something/someone more fun, but in the long Run, it was worse for you. you threw me aside and had someone else dispose of me. it saddened me, but i am Over it now, no use wishing to be a whole egg now that i play a better role as compost. situation 2.--smothered. constrained. watched. i am constantly irritated. yes i need time away. i enjoy the time i have with you, but once a week is probably where we s

The Inner Workings.

i am stuck in a Rut. i keep reliving the Same day. the Goundhog Day Effect has taken over my life. the alarm Goes off. i roll over and hit the Snooze Button. realize that i should probably get in the Shower and start the same Mundane tasks. going to Work seems to be the highlight of my day, suprisingly. i get to see all the lice carrying, Disease ridden, mannorless children and yet i still have no Hostility towards them. i Wish i did, it would give me a place to channel all my restless Anger. alone. Dissatisfied. Targeted. the hobbies that i once enjoyed, even above a box of otter pops, have Let me down. My interest has not been able to be held by anyone or anything. i feel as if i have Become the butt of all jokes. being myself only gives an excuse to those around my to speak the way they do, but little do they Know of that excuse. is there a way out of limbo? if so, where can i buy my boarding pass? i am afraid that the Only train tickets out of pocatello are for Freight and the home

The Man In The Red Shirt.

After Fancy Night, the whole family decided to go the Art Walk in Old Town Pocatello to see some photos Hilairy has in one of the Art galleries. Got into the building and there was amazing art all over the place! I was half tempted to see if I could get the owner of a specific piece to lower the price to only $200 because it was a FANTASTIC photo of Jensen Grand Hall at the Perfoming Arts Center, but nonetheless, I am a college student and just cannot drop $200 on a photo. Well the man behind the desk at the gallery seemed super nice so I went over to talk to him. The man was roughly 50+ in age and I was sure right about him being super nice. He immediately told me that my outfit was "very cute" and that I looked good in it. Yes everyone, I get hit on my old men. He invited me to go dancing and asked for my e-mail address, and I could not resist haha so I gave it to him. Some people are so funny these days.

Fancy Night.

Tonight was the Night of Fancy at the Diller residence. The idea was originally thought of at work with my friend Alexa, but those plans never happened, sadly. So I took it upon myself to make them happen, just with a different crowd, my family. Natalie and I were super excited to get it all planned and together. We had it planned for Tuesday of this week, but that did not happen, the family thought itwas more important to me "supportive" and go to a 5th grade choir concert...haha it was super good though. So we changed out plans to today, Friday! It was a huge success. I cannot remember the last time we had the WHOLE family together for anything, let alone dinner. Dinner was fabulous, A Romane salad, Chicken Cordon Bleu, and Cream Puffs. Gotta say the fanciest part was the music in the background playing while we ate. What an awesome night. We also had the privliage of having Jen Jen come and join us for dinner. Jen got to see the whole Diller Family Disfunction.

Educational Darts.

Choir -----------------------------------------> Bullseye! A. Deaf Differences and Disorders ----------------> Bullseye! A. History -----------------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _------> Outer Bull! B+ Intermediate Algebra-----_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _------> Outer BulL! B+ Anatomy & Physiology --_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--> Wedge. C. I cannot believe that I scored so low. Out of 4 points, I scored a 3.2 and it is definately evident that the trajectory of the educational pathway is in a rapid decline. I dunno Craig, maybe a good rest accompanied by the shock of big city culture will help him get back on his game. I guess we will have to see how he does next season.