The Man In The Red Shirt.

After Fancy Night, the whole family decided to go the Art Walk in Old Town Pocatello to see some photos Hilairy has in one of the Art galleries. Got into the building and there was amazing art all over the place! I was half tempted to see if I could get the owner of a specific piece to lower the price to only $200 because it was a FANTASTIC photo of Jensen Grand Hall at the Perfoming Arts Center, but nonetheless, I am a college student and just cannot drop $200 on a photo.

Well the man behind the desk at the gallery seemed super nice so I went over to talk to him. The man was roughly 50+ in age and I was sure right about him being super nice. He immediately told me that my outfit was "very cute" and that I looked good in it. Yes everyone, I get hit on my old men. He invited me to go dancing and asked for my e-mail address, and I could not resist haha so I gave it to him. Some people are so funny these days.


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