
Showing posts from June, 2010

On Top Of The World, Well Scout Mountain.

Sunday is my usual hike day, but I decided I really wanted to go hiking, and good heck I did it. Also I had to make up for not going hiking this last Sunday...something about a holiday celebrating Fathers....Riiiiight. But man was it freaking gorgeous. The lake that jumped out of nowhere at me. Scared me so bad it took my breath away. One of the many massive puddles I had to basically forge...if I would have paid attention, I would have known that it rained this morning and the trails might be a little muddy... SUMMIT!! I have not had a great hike like that in a while, and this time I kept my shirt on haha.

Best Date, Period.

I have been on the best dates for the past couple nights. Every night, a date that surmounts the previous. Never has a person given me such joy and is 100% accepting of me and my faults. Many say I should my slice of heaven and store it next to my pocket full of sunshine. Who is this mystical, non-PMSing person? My fabulous niece, Kayleigh. Date 1 of this week: Kayleigh and I went bowling! And believe it or not, she BEAT ME!!! And I didn't even break 100. Gosh I cannot believe it! But it was so much fun. Then we went to ice cream and came home and got in the hot tub!!! Date 2 of this week: Roo and I went to the park and played around and then we decided to go show off at Walmart. What a super fun date. We then came back home and we wanted to watch a movie...The movie of choice? Princess Diaries II. YES! I freaking love that movie! I think that we are going to make it a weekly ritual. Kay and Jake dates!!

Sunday, A Day For Hiking.

Every Sunday I go hiking. This last Sunday I decided that I should go hiking in short shorts and no sun screen. What an amazing hike, I got tons of sun and lots of fresh air. After a delightful hike, I decided to come home and I lay out in the sun...Well I became the victim of Mr.Sandman again. An hour later, my skin was the same color as my red Evolves. Well after have a bright red chest, I decided I should even out the rest of my body and flipped over and continued my summer read. Good heck, the things I sacrifice for a delicious tan...sleep, comfort, the ablilty to go running. For the past two nights, I have been waking up every hour, on the hour, waddle downstairs, smother my body in Avoe Vera, drink a glass of water, waddle back upstairs...repeat. And running, I never thought I would ever say it, but I miss running. I have been so bored today that I watched 8 episodes of Will and Grace. Don't get me wrong, I love that show, but I would rather be outside running or riding my bi

Good Deed Of The Year.

Awhile back I decided I was way too nice to people. Good deed here, good deed there. I was throwing them out like they were an every day thing. So needless to say, I have limited myself to one good deed a year. Tonight I was playing some cards with a few buddies from work and a few newly made friends. The game party was going grand. After losing 8 solid rounds of Nerts, I had to call it quits, mainly becuase everyone one else I was playing with was done as well. We then proceeded to sneak into the neighbor's backyard and suran wrap their car. Yes, that is my good deed for the year. No just kidding, although you might be able to consider it a good deed because I was sharing my talent with two girls that have never personally suran wrapped a person's car. So I tought them the way of the plastic wrap. Photos are available on Facebook if you are interested. The present was wrapped, and it was time for me to go. On the way home, just before pulling in to my neighborhood, I see a lit

Alas, Reunion Of Two Loved Ones.

Death is as natural as life and all of us must deal with the death of a loved one at some point in our lives. Much as we know that death is inevitable we are never quite prepared to deal with the loss of a loved one. We all say that we knew their time was coming soon, but it always comes all too soon. 10:38 pm on Friday June 4th, 2010, Wilma Ratzlaff, passed away. Why does this woman have any significance to me? Well she is my mother's mother. People ask if we were close, how close can you get to someone who lives in Kansas and you only see for 5 weeks out of the year? Yes, I would say we were pretty close, for having the time together that we had. Grandma is now with Grandpa. I can only imagine how happy Grandpa was when he was able to hold his beautiful bride in his arms once more. Now how do I feel about this? I am unsure. I am not angry, more like relieved. Not relieved that she is dead, just relieved that she is away from all the pain and loneliness. I am not the least bit sad