Sunday, A Day For Hiking.

Every Sunday I go hiking. This last Sunday I decided that I should go hiking in short shorts and no sun screen. What an amazing hike, I got tons of sun and lots of fresh air.

After a delightful hike, I decided to come home and I lay out in the sun...Well I became the victim of Mr.Sandman again. An hour later, my skin was the same color as my red Evolves. Well after have a bright red chest, I decided I should even out the rest of my body and flipped over and continued my summer read.

Good heck, the things I sacrifice for a delicious tan...sleep, comfort, the ablilty to go running. For the past two nights, I have been waking up every hour, on the hour, waddle downstairs, smother my body in Avoe Vera, drink a glass of water, waddle back upstairs...repeat. And running, I never thought I would ever say it, but I miss running. I have been so bored today that I watched 8 episodes of Will and Grace. Don't get me wrong, I love that show, but I would rather be outside running or riding my bike.

Dear Cancer Gods, please look at the next guy instead of me. I will not be offended if you dedicate our time to someone else.


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