Alas, Reunion Of Two Loved Ones.

Death is as natural as life and all of us must deal with the death of a loved one at some point in our lives. Much as we know that death is inevitable we are never quite prepared to deal with the loss of a loved one. We all say that we knew their time was coming soon, but it always comes all too soon.

10:38 pm on Friday June 4th, 2010, Wilma Ratzlaff, passed away. Why does this woman have any significance to me? Well she is my mother's mother. People ask if we were close, how close can you get to someone who lives in Kansas and you only see for 5 weeks out of the year? Yes, I would say we were pretty close, for having the time together that we had. Grandma is now with Grandpa. I can only imagine how happy Grandpa was when he was able to hold his beautiful bride in his arms once more.

Now how do I feel about this? I am unsure. I am not angry, more like relieved. Not relieved that she is dead, just relieved that she is away from all the pain and loneliness. I am not the least bit sad. I shed a single tear at the news. That makes me feel sheepish though. Shouldn't I at least have one tear per eye? No, I don't think I should. I feel awkward saying that. Betraying.

"Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but
no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from love. It can't take
away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death." - Unknown


  1. Goodness me. I feel what you're saying, Jake. People grieve in different ways. There's no need to shed tears, cousin. Just go with the flow. we all love her in our own way.


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