
Showing posts from December, 2010

You Can Kiss Your Spatula Goodbye.

365 Days ago from 14 hours from now, I declared I would have the best year. I am about 83% successful, the other hand I had an epic fail 17% of the time. Where to begin? Let's just start at the beginning, makes sense right? Right. January, I created a list of 12 items that I was determined to work on. Why is this successful or even the least bit good? Well I accomplished 9 of the 12 things Hurray. Success. Feburary, Failing Grades, Laryngitis, and got my heart shoved into a blender, pushed puree and forced to drink it. March, Road Trip To California and back with the best person in the world, Natalie! Took upon my true identity and faced the world with the knowledge that I am Gay. April, Purchased plane ticket to Denver. Down 25 pounds and lean muscle. May, Semester is over! A's all around. Fancy Night with the family and it was a major success. Natalie still here!! Sunday Drives. Entered an art show. June, Saved a young girls life. The sun burn from hell, literally. Date nigh

"That's Hott" - Paris Hilton

One more semester down, only 5,000 to go. Sometimes it feels like I will be in school for the rest of my life. Granted I do not have to go to school as long as any other doctor, but still, it feels like I will never be done. I can just feel all the financial weight weighing me down. It's just amazing how all that interest just build up. How fun. Grades still have yet to be posted... except for my sign class... of course A! Hurray, that is one class I will not hae to retake. Why am I in such a Hate-School mood? Let me draw you a I hate the word picture... I would prefer to use the world photo.. it just flows off the tongue better. Monday, beginning day of finals week, I look at my final schedule and see that I have my only 3 finals all on Wednesday. So Monday night I am getting together with some classmates from my Philosophy class. We get a bunch of studying done, very successful night. Tuesday, I only work for a little bit and then Jeffrey goes to work, meaning it is

More Snow!! *While Shaking Fists*

What a week it has already turned out to be. Everytime I make a step towards productivity, I happen to draw the "Back 2 Spaces" card in this game of life. I seem to be doing more damage than I am good. How can something with good intensions turn out so bad? I hope this is not something I will be accustomed to. I am bad with words, let's just say that. I cannot get the correct words out to help define how I am feeling or what I truely want to say. I am stuck with the traditional 6th Grade-Male-From-Iowa vocabulary. I am always getting my words mixed up and they are always being taken wrong. How to fix this? I dunno. I thought I was pretty exposed to different ways of expressing myself in words, guess not. Sometimes I think Jeffrey gets super annoyed with me. I am OCD in so many ways...The dishes must be done before I go to bed...I have to sleep with a fitted sheet AND a regualr sheet...I am constantly sweeping the kitchen floor...if it gets too hot in the apartment, I cann


It has been over 2 weeks and I have only mentioned... wait I have not even mentioned it yet... WE ARE ARE OFFICIALLY ENGAGED!!!! Hurray and all the twitterpatedness is at an all time high. Well I am guessing you wanna know that deets (For all of you that do not know the East Coast lingo... Deets=Details).OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! Okay for starters... WHAT THE HELL DOES THE RING LOOK LIKE?! Tungstun Baby! When did he propose? 3 Effing Weeks From This Coming Tuesday. And the ever so popular... How did he do it? Well here's the story... It is the week before Thanksgiving break and I am scheduled at work like crazy and school is taking me for a ride that cannot compare to any rollercoaster created. Jeffrey tells me he wants to make me a Birthday Dinner... this Monday, for it is the only day we will actually be able to eat dinner together. He makes me a delicious Baked Broccoli Pasta, and it was delicous. Then he tells me he made me dessert..and I had to close my eye