You Can Kiss Your Spatula Goodbye.
365 Days ago from 14 hours from now, I declared I would have the best year. I am about 83% successful, the other hand I had an epic fail 17% of the time. Where to begin? Let's just start at the beginning, makes sense right? Right. January, I created a list of 12 items that I was determined to work on. Why is this successful or even the least bit good? Well I accomplished 9 of the 12 things Hurray. Success. Feburary, Failing Grades, Laryngitis, and got my heart shoved into a blender, pushed puree and forced to drink it. March, Road Trip To California and back with the best person in the world, Natalie! Took upon my true identity and faced the world with the knowledge that I am Gay. April, Purchased plane ticket to Denver. Down 25 pounds and lean muscle. May, Semester is over! A's all around. Fancy Night with the family and it was a major success. Natalie still here!! Sunday Drives. Entered an art show. June, Saved a young girls life. The sun burn from hell, literally. Date nigh...