"That's Hott" - Paris Hilton

One more semester down, only 5,000 to go. Sometimes it feels like I will be in school for the rest of my life. Granted I do not have to go to school as long as any other doctor, but still, it feels like I will never be done. I can just feel all the financial weight weighing me down. It's just amazing how all that interest just build up. How fun. Grades still have yet to be posted... except for my sign class... of course A! Hurray, that is one class I will not hae to retake. Why am I in such a Hate-School mood? Let me draw you a picture....ps I hate the word picture... I would prefer to use the world photo.. it just flows off the tongue better.

Monday, beginning day of finals week, I look at my final schedule and see that I have my only 3 finals all on Wednesday. So Monday night I am getting together with some classmates from my Philosophy class. We get a bunch of studying done, very successful night. Tuesday, I only work for a little bit and then Jeffrey goes to work, meaning it is time for me to get cracking on the studying. Hard core studying...flashcards, slides from class, lecture notes, knowledge survey quesitons,...everything I possibly use to prepare myself, I used. 10:00 pm rolls around and I have studied until my brain feels numb. Text message comes in from a friend in Child Development...

"Where were you this morning?"
"Child Development...The final was this morning."

Yep, I wrote down my final on the wrong day. One day too late. The stress just piles on. I can no longer function. Crying about this is completely out of the question. My brain is fried, department of emotions is closed due to an overload of stress. I just sit there. The only thing I can do it e-mail my professor. I tell her how I am such a dedicated student...I attend every class, completed all my SONA credits before the due date, I have all my participation points...I deserve to take the final. I check my e-mail every 20 minutes...no e-mail. It is time to get Jeffrey from work. We get home and it is time to bed so I can get some sleep. I wake up at 3:00 AM and cannot think, sleep, do anything but sit there. I sit in bed until 9:00 when I should get ready for my Astronomy final. To make an even longer story short, I get to take the final...thank god. I am sure there was some ancient chinese proverb that says something about desparate white boy needs to take test, allow it.

Finals are finally over and it is time to spend all day, every day with the man I love... WAIT! Jeffrey is working every day, I am working even more now that I am promoted to Manager! Woot!! Now I am making the schedule. I am sorta scared becuase I don't want to make enemies at work, which I know is bound to happen. Pay raise, more responsibility...but I can handle it. I am super excited to have this position. Now I get to put this on my resume! YAY, management experience.

7 days to Christmas and counting.


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