Baby There's A Shark In The Water.

I am the king of making new friends. My new absolutely bestie, Jennifer Ruiz! And it all started over a Facebook friendship request. Now Jennifer and I have had lunch together before, but we never really talked or super acknowledged each other. I just assumed she was not one of those people that my Tractor Beam of Friendship worked on. FALSE! Huzzah for friendship. And the best part of this, is she blogs as well! Hurray! And it is INTERESTING. That hardly ever happens. Most blogs I read are super lame and talk about nothing in peoples lives. There are a few acceptions, yes FEW.

Ps, just watched a man try to walk across the grass by the Rendezvous Buidling without stepping in the huge lake of fish water. Pretty hilarious, especially when his first step was right in the water and now he has soggy socks :)

I have a recent love for V V Brown's know the lady that sings Shark In The Water. Not gonna lie, her music is super happy and I listen to her song Crazy Amazing, every morning. It is silly and it totally reminds me of Jeffrey, which of course makes me happy. Hence I have not had a truly bad day for SO long. The other day I did have a bad day, but when ever one of us leaves the otherI go through a period of just terrible Happy Struggle. Now do not confuse me with one of those super needy people that cannot be happy without their special other. I can be happy, I am just exceptionally happy when he is with me. Not to mention I actually have a friend, one that I am not forced to be with like at work or school. Of course, I am in love.

Speaking of new friends....

...Yay for new friends.


  1. Lol! This is a fantastic blog..
    Btw, I LOVE V V Brown. Just sayin.

    Someone stepped in fish water? huh?

  2. Once again..Fantastic blog! You are a blog master and it makes jealous :)

  3. Your blogs make me smile, though now I am stressing if my blog is one of the lame ones you read. Pit of my stomach stress ulcer coming. Can I be as cool as you someday? :)


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