Corpus Callosum Much?

Has school even started? This semester is one of the weirdest semesters yet. I have not had the ungodly need to actually study or to even realy focus on any of my classes (Writing this while sitting in Child Development, PSYC 2225). It is oddly refreshing. Normally I would be in the SUB for 2-3 hours doing some hardcore homework and yet I find myself wasting away my FREE time on facebook or enjoying the delicious water of the hot tub. Just last night I decided I would go get me of those most excellent Camp Fire Blasts from Sonic, then chillax in my hot tub. God I have the life at the moment.

Asside from school, everything is going well. Work has been very good to me lately. I have been told that I deserve second choice on the work schedule and I will recieve a copy of the work schedule before it is offically sent out, in case I need to add myself to it and get more hours. Wow how lucky am I?

Jeffrey is coming to visit me this weekend. Hurray!!! WE have devided to go clubbing this friday night! What the flying buckets of off white latex paint?! Yes clubbing. This is gonna be a little ridiculous being how I cannot dance and neither can Jeffrey :) This will be one heck of a night. WE are going to Club Sound in Salt Lake. Every Friday night is Gay/Lesbian night. Haha how silly. We are also planning on going to a lovely crive up in the mountains to look at all the amazing colors of the wind, in respect of Pocahontas. And one more thing, Erika, Jeffrey and I have to make secrets for Post Secret. That is a must on this weekends agenda (Nanette not a stolen idea, it is similar).

Happy Birthday Tracy!

This week has been a week of sickness as well. My best friend, The Common Cold, has finally caught me and now I am "it." It as been a wicked game of tag between the two of us and my family. Hurray for sickness. At least I am sick now and not later on in the year. I have been downing medication like a drug addict in hopes to be 100% better by the time Jeffrey gets here.

I have been noticing a lot lately that then an English or Asian person says the word "Idea," it sounds like they are saying "Idear." I dunno what it is, but it always sounds like they are extra letters to the end of words, specifically the letter "R." Does anyone have an explaination for this? It confuses me.


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