Mmm Ginger Beer.

[listening to V.V. Brown's awesome song Crazy Amazing]

"I am passing Blackfoot"

Yes, another absolutely perfect weekend...well as perfect as a weekend full of your parents meeting your boyfriend can get.

Where to begin?! Let's start with Jeffrey came to work :) Yay, that was so great to be skating around, drilling little kids with play balls, then looking up and seeing the one person I truely love standing right there. One of the best feelings. My body fills with the most ridiculous amount of twitterpated-elementary-school-girl. The next thing I know my face makes contact with the skating floor, right in front of Jeffrey. Nah, just kidding, it wouldn't surprise me if that actually happened. All went well, I did not make a huge fool of myself, I stayed on both feet the whole time he was there, and I closed Deleta with only making once mistake, very minor mistake.

Now the excitment begins. After I clock out and lock up, I tell Jeffrey I will meet him at my house and give him directions to it, the long way from Deleta. Reasoning, I have to get home on my bike before Jeffrey gets there and tell my parents that they are going to meet him in 3 minutes. The following conversation happens in the time it takes Jeffrey to get down the street, pass my house and back up:

J: Hey, *huff and puff*
M: Wow, you okay?
J: Ya just had to race home. Oh ya, Jeffrey is gonna be here in a few minutes.
M: What?
J: Ya, Jeffrey is in town for the weekend and he is on his way.
D: Wow, thanks for the heads up.
J: You're welcome. I'll be upstairs. *Grinning*

But before I could make it upstairs, Jeffrey is already here. We meet outside, "Jeffrey you are gonna meet my parents." After I calm him down and assure him my mom is not going to scalp his gorgeous head and made Homosexual Stew out of him (Okay okay I didn't actually say that, but I did let him know that my mom will not freak out or anything). The next ten minutes get super INSANE! Introductions happen. Mom Dad, this is Jeffrey, Jeffrey, this is mom and dad. Do some quick chatter, I change and leave him downstairs because he ends up talking to my family about ipods or something. "Okay well we are gonna go get Jeffrey some food, he is super hungry. Bye."

Off to Denny's because every other restaraunt is closed. Once again the curse of living in a small city run by religious people cause they city to shut down at 9:00 every night. Denny's was pretty good. Sitting there with him was yet again, good. It felt nice to be in touching, hugging, kissing, distance of him again.
I figured out that there are a series of smiles I go through. eh, that is a-whole-nother blog.
Dinner was good, lots of chatter, when we leave. Get home and realize it is late and neither of us want him to drive back to Idaho Falls at night, especially when he drove 500+ miles to see me. I think my parents might be willing to let him stay in the guest room (flash back to coming out--> "But Jacob, you are not allowed to bring guys home...). In an eager attempt to just let him stay in a bed, access denied. And you can bet I sure put the guilt trip on the parents. "Just so you know, Jeffrey is sleeping in his car. So when you wake up you will know where he is sleeping."

Bright and early, the second the parents leave the house, I run out and bring him in. I need him, and I want him. After another hour of sleeping, Jeffrey is instantly attracted to the hot tub. That's okay with me. I love getting in the hot tub, regardless of the time. Day goes on. Breakfast--->Shower--->Gotta go to choir at least--->Let's go find a way into houses that are for sell--->Hungry?--->Buffet--->Pillars--->Hot Tub. This time parents let Jeffrey sleep inside, on the couch. Still different floors of the house, but at least we are in the same building :) Am I a bad boyfriend? I feel terrible because he slept out in his car the first night. How embarrassing.

Good morning Beautiful. I love you. I gotta shower and get to work. You go home and visit you mama, I'll call you when I get off. Work hardcore hours, get off, hurry and shower, get looking good for my man, and get out the door. We do a little silly running around. Lets go to the corn maze! Awww, that was so much fun! We found out way to the star, and we kiss :) How cute! "You will wanna go camping?" And we are both up for it. I must say we are both excellent at pitching tents in the dark ;)

Sunday, Pretty relaxed. We do some shopping and Jeffrey says hi to a couple friends. And we find the place for our wedding :) Hopefully they will let a few super in love boys have a ceremony there. Let's go to dinner. Chinese. And it is time for him at leave, already. I hold it together while we say goodbye, but the second, I get in my car, and see him drive off, I cannot help it but cry. I cry all the way to the highway, and until I make it on the interstate. It was a success. At least I only cried for 10 minutes this time, versus 35 minutes last time.

We will be together again soon. Next time, you host.


  1. Aww. First of all, I've been reading through your posts, and..aww! You and Jeffrey are super adorable. Secondly, I love your guts. That is all. :)

  2. *rolling eyes* you know how to take this though no one else will, "ya make me a little sick...I might just throw up in my mouth a little." I'm glad it was a good weekend and I hope you get to see him again really soon and I wanna know where the place you picked is. Just saying.


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