You Can Kiss Your Spatula Goodbye.

365 Days ago from 14 hours from now, I declared I would have the best year. I am about 83% successful, the other hand I had an epic fail 17% of the time. Where to begin? Let's just start at the beginning, makes sense right? Right.

January, I created a list of 12 items that I was determined to work on. Why is this successful or even the least bit good? Well I accomplished 9 of the 12 things Hurray. Success.

Feburary, Failing Grades, Laryngitis, and got my heart shoved into a blender, pushed puree and forced to drink it.

March, Road Trip To California and back with the best person in the world, Natalie! Took upon my true identity and faced the world with the knowledge that I am Gay.

April, Purchased plane ticket to Denver. Down 25 pounds and lean muscle.

May, Semester is over! A's all around. Fancy Night with the family and it was a major success. Natalie still here!! Sunday Drives. Entered an art show.

June, Saved a young girls life. The sun burn from hell, literally. Date night with Kayleigh. Scout Mountain hike. Date with a guy, ends in a horse biting my nipple.

July, Grandma Ratzlaff passed away. Summer of work, but muy huge paychecks. Offically lost my best friend. New hair cut that looks HOTT!

August, My last chance to get the man of my dreams. Month of absolute bliss. Get my first official Boyfriend!! :) Swimming without being ashamed of my body. Dropped another 15 pounds.

September, Labor Day Weekend in Coeur d'Alene! Art Night and my expression of my inner thoughts. Jeffrey comes to Pocatello to see me.

October, Back to Coeur d'Alene. Still losing weight. Awesome shopping trip with Nanette. 4 Days with Jeffrey in Pocatello. Gay situation is getting better with the family. Camping. Look at wedding chapels with Jeffrey. Apartment shopping. GOT an apartmet together. Everything is going right. Thinking of selling the motorhome.

November, We move in together :) Denver trip is this month. Lakota and Jen are best friends. Car breaks down in Utah and have to find a way for Jeffrey to get home. Best 21st birthday ever with Natalie. Tons of shopping. Jeffrey now has a job, thank gods. Down one car, and still have school. Walking everywhere. Offically broke and so poor cannot afford food.

December, Continuing problems with the car, barely made rent. Got the cutest Christmas tree. Food Stamps was approved! Met Jeffrey's family. Just a blissful Christmas. Promotion to Manager. Happy New Year.

It has been a very eventful year. This is only a little bit of what happened, but over all this year was a success. Hopefully my luck will improve over the next 365 days.


  1. Sounds like a stressful yet enchanting year! You deserve every bit of it! Congrats!

  2. 1st: I love this post. What an awesome idea.
    2nd: Happy new year! Are you going to be in Sign II this semester?
    3rd: How in the WORLD can you be a manager AND go to school!? You're nuts!


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