
Showing posts from September, 2011

This Is A Private Rehearsal.

Ne xt week is already midterms. Where has this semester gone? 3 more days and it is October. Where has this year gone? Down 8 pounds. Where has the double chin gone? Everything day seems to be flying by and I hardly get anything done. It seems as if I have fallen back into the patters of school finally. 7:07 AM- Wake Up, drink protein, stretch, underwear-basketball shorts-under armor-shirt- socks-shoes-water bottle-bangle id-keys-ipod. 7:40 AM- Leave for gym 8:00 AM Work out with Brenda, gossip, sweat-my-ass-off. 9:00 AM Stumble home from the gym, shower, make lunch, underwear-jeans-tank-shirt-TOMS-book bag-bike-sunglasses-keys-protein shake, off to class. 1 0:00 AM Struggle to pay attention, online shopping, FB, eat lunch in class, struggle to focus, FB, email, FB,, FB, FB, FB, Sing. 2:30 PM Work (or give the appearance of working) 10:00 PM Mosie on home, tea-book-Jay Brannan- nightly text buddies till fall asleep. Very structured schedule I

Theory And Research.

Image facebook is driving me crazy. it has gotten so bad that i now have to blog about it. what the hell is going on? they keep changing the layout and this time they actually messed up. i can usually get the hang of all the changes really quick, but this time i am so screwed up. don't have facebook? don't know what i am talking about? well with my new best friend, the snipping tool, i will show you. i don't get what the heck they think they are doing with the whole newfeed on the side of the page. it is rather annoying. especially when i am sitting in class and trying to pay attention and i see something moving on my screen every 2 seconds. hello? don't the layout designers realize how hard it is to focus in class when there is something always moving on the screen? obviously not. what the heck we they thinking with this? creating lists? seriously? not everyone wants to be organized. and what if i don't want an american eagle outfitters list, or a deleta ska

Hahaha. That's. Hott.

You know, I cannot express how much better the phrase "I Love you" sounds when the word "I" is present. "Love you" is okay, but "I Love you" is the Bees Knees, Curdled Cheese , Afro Jack, Heart Attack.

Imagine That Getting Awkward.

this is the epic 200th blog post :) meaning this blog has to be the most epic thing since poggs and the invention of the synthesizer. too bad my life really isn't that epic. although a couple epic things have gone down. epic item 1. extreme midget wrestling. driving down las vegas boulevard, a truck pulls up right next to jessica and me and this is the advertisement on the side of the flatbed. i nearly peed myself. i had to get a photo. i wish we could have gotten tickets to see it because that would have been so epic that words wouldn't be able to describe its epicocity. epic item 2. volcano show at the mirage hotel and casino in vegas. this show was so insane it made richard simmons look normal. pretty sure that if i were 4 steps closer than i was, my hair would have gone up in flames and not just because of the half a can of hairspray that was in my hair. fire literally jumping up 10 ft in front of you. kind of cracra, yet muy epic. epic item 3. i am starting my practicum t

Calm, Palm, Blessed, Route.

Alright everyone. Last post kinda ended very weird and super abrupt. Reasoning, I have been stressing like crazy over a stupid quiz and an assessment that I have to take tonight. I still have yet to take them because I have been reading my brains out. I am making a oath, and all 41 of my followers, well known followers, and the countless anonymous followers, are my witnesses. I Jacob Scott Diller...... OH if you want to take this oath you are more than welcome to do so. (If you decide to take this oath, you MUST be standing, on both legs, facing the South, dressed in your fanciest shoes and placing your right hand, in the fist of the Black man, over your heart.) I ___(insert name)____, take upon myself all the responsibilities of a student of ____(insert educational facility name)____. I will uphold all the standards of a 4.0 student. I will read all assigned readings, finish all assigned work, take all assigned quizzes, assessments, and exams, and I will attend 95%....80% of all clas

I Like Floozy :)

I know, I know. I have been neglecting my blog ever since school started, but there are a couple very logical, and rational explanations...okay, not really. I have been so busy doing things I want to do. My level of focus is at an all time low. Let's see, what have I been doing since the last entry... Pocatello Pride. It was my first Pride and it was pretty fun. Although I was only able to be there for about an hour, I still got to see a ton of people, watch a couple drag queens, purchased my first Gay Pride Accessory, and met tons of new fabulous people. It was so much fun and I loved how intense dancing was that weekend. Lately I have been going dancing every Friday and Saturday night just get my dance on, and the Friday of Pride was unlike any other. The best part of dancing during Pride weekend? Getting to dance with people NOT from Pocatello. I have never seen guys from Pocatello move the way some of the guys from Boise and Salt Lake were moving. It was HAWT! Huzzah, not gonna