This Is A Private Rehearsal.
Ne xt week is already midterms. Where has this semester gone? 3 more days and it is October. Where has this year gone? Down 8 pounds. Where has the double chin gone? Everything day seems to be flying by and I hardly get anything done. It seems as if I have fallen back into the patters of school finally. 7:07 AM- Wake Up, drink protein, stretch, underwear-basketball shorts-under armor-shirt- socks-shoes-water bottle-bangle id-keys-ipod. 7:40 AM- Leave for gym 8:00 AM Work out with Brenda, gossip, sweat-my-ass-off. 9:00 AM Stumble home from the gym, shower, make lunch, underwear-jeans-tank-shirt-TOMS-book bag-bike-sunglasses-keys-protein shake, off to class. 1 0:00 AM Struggle to pay attention, online shopping, FB, eat lunch in class, struggle to focus, FB, email, FB,, FB, FB, FB, Sing. 2:30 PM Work (or give the appearance of working) 10:00 PM Mosie on home, tea-book-Jay Brannan- nightly text buddies till fall asleep. Very structured schedule I ...