This Is A Private Rehearsal.

Next week is already midterms. Where has this semester gone? 3 more days and it is October. Where has this year gone? Down 8 pounds. Where has the double chin gone? Everything day seems to be flying by and I hardly get anything done. It seems as if I have fallen back into the patters of school finally.

7:07 AM- Wake Up, drink protein, stretch, underwear-basketball shorts-under armor-shirt- socks-shoes-water bottle-bangle id-keys-ipod.

7:40 AM- Leave for gym

8:00 AM Work out with Brenda, gossip, sweat-my-ass-off.

9:00 AM Stumble home from the gym, shower, make lunch, underwear-jeans-tank-shirt-TOMS-book bag-bike-sunglasses-keys-protein shake, off to class.

10:00 AM Struggle to pay attention, online shopping, FB, eat lunch in class, struggle to focus, FB, email, FB,, FB, FB, FB, Sing.

2:30 PM Work (or give the appearance of working)

10:00 PM Mosie on home, tea-book-Jay Brannan- nightly text buddies till fall asleep.

Very structured schedule I would say, although Tuesday and Thursday I have no class, so I substitute class with teaching Marshall at a local elementary school :) followed by more work. Where I find time to eat dinner, I dunno. Most of the time I just don't eat dinner because I don't want to eat nasty Deleta food or I just forget to eat. Yikes, not good for the metabolism.


  1. Jake you need to remember to take something with you to eat! You silly boy how do you expect to keep your metabolism up if you don't? Otherwise you have a very set schedule. Weird... :)


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