Theory And Research. facebook is driving me crazy. it has gotten so bad that i now have to blog about it.
what the hell is going on? they keep changing the layout and this time they actually messed up. i can usually get the hang of all the changes really quick, but this time i am so screwed up. don't have facebook? don't know what i am talking about? well with my new best friend, the snipping tool, i will show you.

i don't get what the heck they think they are doing with the whole newfeed on the side of the page. it is rather annoying. especially when i am sitting in class and trying to pay attention and i see something moving on my screen every 2 seconds. hello? don't the layout designers realize how hard it is to focus in class when there is something always moving on the screen? obviously not.
what the heck we they thinking with this? creating lists? seriously? not everyone wants to be organized. and what if i don't want an american eagle outfitters list, or a deleta skating list. argggg! i am super angry with that. and facebook got rid of my "gays" list and my "always offline" list. not happy about that.
and now having to click on "update status??" w.t.f. i am a lazy american and i don't want to have to click on something just to update my status.
not to mention the chat. okay, i have adapted to this change but i am still not very happy about it. it still looks like shit. i hate having to look in the left side when i wanna chat with someone, but then i hate how it when this chat selection is open, it offsets the page 2 inches. messes with my brain and my brain called, said he freaking hates facebook layout makers.

overall grade of facebook, 18% okay, 82% shit.


  1. Jake just cause I can I'm gonna be a a product you don't have to pay for in any capacity and that you don't have to belong to has changed their format in a way they thought and researched with groups said would be more useful...if ya hate it that much you can always cancel your account. Yes it would make it more difficult to stay in touch with certain people but facebook is not the end all of talking to people you care about. Also...if it's distracting during class may I suggest maybe not being on facebook during class as you should probably actually be taking notes?

    And yes I know you're probably angry at me now but well someone should be the pain the butt!

  2. I so agree! Someone made a funny meme of Xibit saying "Yo, I heard you liked facebook so we put a facebook in the corner of your facebook so you can facebook while you facebook."

    I don't understand why I need a live feed of anything and everything that my friends are doing on other peoples' pages. This isn't Twitter, and I think that's all they're trying to do is compete with them now. They've conquered Myspace or "My______" now, so apparently it's time to conquer Twitter.

    What's next? Hashtags and a 140 character limit??


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