I Like Floozy :)

I know, I know. I have been neglecting my blog ever since school started, but there are a couple very logical, and rational explanations...okay, not really. I have been so busy doing things I want to do. My level of focus is at an all time low.

Let's see, what have I been doing since the last entry...

Pocatello Pride. It was my first Pride and it was pretty fun. Although I was only able to be there for about an hour, I still got to see a ton of people, watch a couple drag queens, purchased my first Gay Pride Accessory, and met tons of new fabulous people. It was so much fun and I loved how intense dancing was that weekend. Lately I have been going dancing every Friday and Saturday night just get my dance on, and the Friday of Pride was unlike any other. The best part of dancing during Pride weekend? Getting to dance with people NOT from Pocatello. I have never seen guys from Pocatello move the way some of the guys from Boise and Salt Lake were moving. It was HAWT! Huzzah, not gonna lie, I picked up a couple new moves :) I definitely had a Gay Ol' Time.

The week after Pride, I don't remember what all happened. Ha ha, I just remember not working ALL week long. Gosh it was terrible. I just found out how much I HATE not working. It is the worst thing in the world, worst than balding. I can remember days where I just layed in my bed staring at everything in my apartment. Wow, what a life...it is kinda pathetic. I also have started talking to myself lately. Call me crazy or whatever, but I am getting super lonely. I have become my own best friend. I am always there just in care I need to talk to someone, I always listen, and I can call myself no matter what time it is. Eh, some say that it isn't normal, but I was reading an article the other day and it said that people that talk to themselves are more intelligent than those that do not speak to themselves. So Ha! Put that in your pipe and Shhmoke it.

Other than that, nothing too exciting has happened. I went to Vegas. Came home...school and work. That's the life I guess.


  1. There's nothing wrong with talking to yourself! I do it all the time! Helps me write better, methinks.

  2. Talking to yourself is normal however arguing with yourself and both sides of you lose...well welcome to my life. As long as you aren't starting to talk to invisible people I think we will be okay. Only one of us should be doing that.


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