Not Super Heros, Um, World Travelers In London.
I have made this a common topic on all of my social media outlets except for this I believe it is about time I add a little blurb about it here. The big mysterious IT so happens to be an upcoming trip.
Waaaay back (3 years ago to be exact) I was given of a great opportunity to travel to Ecuador on a medical mission trip with a few of my professors. Unfortunately, because of political changes in Ecuador it was no longer safe for humanitarian groups to travel within the country. I was extremely disappointed by moved on.
Sitting in a cochlear implant meeting during a clinical rotation on December 10th, my phone starts blowing up! Text emails, phone calls and text messages from a professor...

Um, HELL YES! To make the whole story shorter, Dr. Jennifer Holst, Au.D. tells me that she has been told about a medical mission trip to Peru that is looking for an audiology group to go. Without a doubt I accept. She proceeds to tell me that 5 days from this phone call, I need to put a down payment of $500 to secure my spot. Okay, I can do that. Did it. She tells me that I will need to pay the remaining $2900 by January 15th, 2016. Holy crap that is a lot of money.
In response to the financial shock...I have started a Gofundme account. Everyone who knows me, knows that I HATE asking people for help especially when it requires some kind of financial contribution. With a heavy heart, I am reaching out to my friends, family and friends of friends to help me make this dream come true.
To shed a little light on what I will actually be doing in Peru during this trip, I will be traveling with 2 audiologists providing free services to the people of Peru. Some of the services I will be helping provide include hearing tests, ear wax removal, and when possible fitting hearing aids on people with hearing impairments. As a 3rd year Doctor of Audiology student, I am more than qualified to perform these treatments for a people ranging from infants to those in their 90s.
I would be extremely grateful to anyone that is willing to help me make this dream mission come to life. Every donation from $10 to $100 helps me get closer! Thank you for your donation and please pass the word along!
If you are curious and would like to do a little more research, please feel free to follow the link to the official website belonging to the Idaho Condor Humanitarian, Inc.

If you would like to help me make this trip possible for me you can donate at the following website. Currently I have received $645 in donation, for which I am EXTREMELY thankful! All donations go to paying for the flight, lodging and food for the trip. Everyone involved volunteer their time, expertise and services. It is a great opportunity and I hope I can make this happen.
You can share this post of your Facebook or even share the link provided by Gofundme.
If I am able to make this trip possible, I will most definitely be adding an update of the trip!!!
Waaaay back (3 years ago to be exact) I was given of a great opportunity to travel to Ecuador on a medical mission trip with a few of my professors. Unfortunately, because of political changes in Ecuador it was no longer safe for humanitarian groups to travel within the country. I was extremely disappointed by moved on.
Sitting in a cochlear implant meeting during a clinical rotation on December 10th, my phone starts blowing up! Text emails, phone calls and text messages from a professor...
Um, HELL YES! To make the whole story shorter, Dr. Jennifer Holst, Au.D. tells me that she has been told about a medical mission trip to Peru that is looking for an audiology group to go. Without a doubt I accept. She proceeds to tell me that 5 days from this phone call, I need to put a down payment of $500 to secure my spot. Okay, I can do that. Did it. She tells me that I will need to pay the remaining $2900 by January 15th, 2016. Holy crap that is a lot of money.
In response to the financial shock...I have started a Gofundme account. Everyone who knows me, knows that I HATE asking people for help especially when it requires some kind of financial contribution. With a heavy heart, I am reaching out to my friends, family and friends of friends to help me make this dream come true.
To shed a little light on what I will actually be doing in Peru during this trip, I will be traveling with 2 audiologists providing free services to the people of Peru. Some of the services I will be helping provide include hearing tests, ear wax removal, and when possible fitting hearing aids on people with hearing impairments. As a 3rd year Doctor of Audiology student, I am more than qualified to perform these treatments for a people ranging from infants to those in their 90s.
I would be extremely grateful to anyone that is willing to help me make this dream mission come to life. Every donation from $10 to $100 helps me get closer! Thank you for your donation and please pass the word along!
If you are curious and would like to do a little more research, please feel free to follow the link to the official website belonging to the Idaho Condor Humanitarian, Inc.

If you would like to help me make this trip possible for me you can donate at the following website. Currently I have received $645 in donation, for which I am EXTREMELY thankful! All donations go to paying for the flight, lodging and food for the trip. Everyone involved volunteer their time, expertise and services. It is a great opportunity and I hope I can make this happen.
You can share this post of your Facebook or even share the link provided by Gofundme.
If I am able to make this trip possible, I will most definitely be adding an update of the trip!!!
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