Gays Of The Week.

Almost half way through the semester...doing okay. Still passing all my classes, that is with grades C+ or higher. Congrats me. These past few days have been especially hard. Not only am I struggling with school, but work and my personal life is all up in the air. I had my tarrot read was really good. somethings in it were wonderful. odd enough, many things in it were up to speed on my life. Now I don't really believe in it, just becuase I make it seem like the reading si accurate becuase I look for things in my life that match what the person/cards are saying...but it is still fun. I want to go get my palm read, but the only problem is I dunno where I can get it read at here in Poky... maybe in Salt Lake. That would be fun. Gonna do it.

Went to Charley's. So much fun. It was nice to just get out and be care free for a little bit. Although, it was nice just to go home afterwards. I hope to go more often, make some friends. haha in need of friends lately.

Also, IN LOVE WITH RYAN JAMES YEZAK! I love his videos. I am addicted to his California Gays video... yet again. I am finally getting back into the swing of my regular life. I have stopped being so passive agressive. Working on that one still, I fear I may never get completely off that train, but here is to hoping.

So...word vomit.


  1. Good for you sweetie! I'm glad you are getting out. Let me know when you are available for a drink :) <3


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