Annotated Bibliography.

dear people without a life so you must follow mine,
i am not dead, i promise. just super busy and it does not help that the device i use to create a gateway into my life has been broken for a month or so. but alas the laptop is fixed and the entertaining can resume. yes resume NOT résumé, there is a slight difference. so many things have happened and it is absolutely ridiculous that i have not mentioned anything of the sort. where to begin? i dunno even know where i left off...pause for reading previous blogs...ah yes, ended with something happy. well the truth shall be uncovered. just wait, this is going to be a special edition of jacob and jeffrey, revealed. yessum, there are sometimes that i tell myself my life is a tv show, or in this case a newcast where the reporter has found some ground breaking news about something that everyone only sees the surgace... example? Nah, too lazy to come up with one.

okay, for the last month, let's see, what has gone wrong? let's ask the opposite question, it will create a much shorter list. it seemed like my whole world was crashing down around me. fighting with jeffrey came to a dramatic climax...and lasted for what feels like forever. everyday was something new. sometimes i think the whole "communicate with each other and everything will be fine" advice is a load of malarkey. the more we communicated, the more annoyed with each other we would get. the more needy i would begin to be. the more depresed jeffrey would get. it came to the point where jeffrey and i didn't care anymore. came to jeffrey sleeping on the couch. me purposely scheduling myself so much work i wouldn't be home. jealously raging. now this cover story is not going to be one of those in DEPTH stories, just enough to make you wonder what all happened...maybe someone will poke and prod trying to get the whole story out of me. ask i dare you.

while the enormous volcanoe errupts, several mini earthquakes shatter the rest of my little village. i am still in school. ready to be done and it is only the 4th week of class and i can barely stand being here any longer. i still have another few years. keep going at it, they tell me, but i dunno how much longer i can do that. i have been waiting and taking it one day at a time and i am almost ready to just give up. yes i know that sounds like every other college student, but i am not the average college student…i am jacob scott freaking diller. just finished two exams already…neither of which was i ready for, but i know for a fact that i aced both exams…how on earth did i do that? i dunno haha once again…jacob scott freaking diller.

no clue how to end this...



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