
Showing posts from April, 2012

Which Leads To Another Possession.

I just barely realized how must I did yesterday, and it was so nice. I began my day at 7:01 AM, waking up and getting ready for an appointment at the Audiology Clinic. I am just in love with everything there. I Love being able to actually do something now. Before I was just observing and now I get to actually test peoples' hearing. It is awesome. Not gonna lie, I am freaking fabulous at it too. It just makes me want to get done with school so much faster. After doing some clinic stuff, I had to hop back on my bike and run home to get my homework for Econ, then get back to ISU in time for class. Went to class, and then decided I would go shopping for the rest of the day. I ended up having the whole day off. HUZZAH! I got on my bike and went right out to the mall...well if you can still call it a mall. And of course I find nothing there. But after going to the mall, Walmart, Ross, and TJ Maxx I finally found some clothing. I guess it is time for me to start making my professional w

Have You Been Enjoying The Sun?

What a blech week. Nothing exciting has happened. I feel like I am in a void and being absolutely boring. I have nothing to entertain with. The semester is winding down, and I don't hate any of my professors, so I have nothing to complain about, all my classes are going great...I have A's in all of them...I just feel mega boring. Although I am boring at the moment, I have a few good things coming up. Next week we are having Mexican night at work :) Ha ha well a Fiesta for the employees! And this is my little Meximan I drew for the announcement :) It is super adorable...I just have to say I am really really good at drawing men in ponchos and sombreros. Of course it is just a work party, but it will be fun and a good way to relax before finals.           Oooooh, yes, I found something that is just amazing... I look super great in cowboy hats! Sheesh, I could pass for a ultra sexy cowboy :) I've got the tush to be one. Next thing I need is a horse and come caps and I

Supposed To Heat The Milk First.

I did it. I took far too long to get it done, but I have now done it. The process of completely healing can continue. Now the hard part will be seeing him be "In A Relationship" but I guess I  will cross that bridge when it comes. May we both find happiness, whether it be alone or with someone.  I will forever cherish the time we had together and the memories we created, but for now, Adieu.

You're Hot, When Did That Happen?

There are so many things I should have talked about but I just haven't. Most important thing first, a few weeks ago I finished all my observations for the Audiology Clinic and NOW I get to actually do stuff. I have been given my own clinic slot on Monday and Wednesday :) That is one HUUUUUGE step towards my future career. Nothing could be more important to me right now, nothing.  Secondly, I have become wonderful friends with an unexpected person. Someone that I never thought I would actually become friends with. It has been so great. Yes, we have only hung out once, but it was so amazing. Simply the most delightful experience I have had in a long time. We went for a walk in the rain, for fun, and it basically turned into a mini walkathon. We walked all over town and that was fun. Not to mention the conversation that accompanied the walk. It was as if we had been friends for years. Then after our walk, we went back to his place just to hang out for a little bit and more conver

Start The Rice And Follow The Instructions.

I have no idea what it is, but lately I have not been able to finish a single blog post. I have started 3 different blogs, all about different subjects but I have yet finished a single one. Call it what you will, I just think I am refusing to finish them so I have something to complain about. Teehee. Life lately has been so delightful. The weather is looking up (except for today's manic snow episode), the semester is coming to a close, work is getting back to normal, every smile is natural and not forced, I had a week with Natalie, Easter is coming up, I found the sock I have been missing for like 4 months, checking account is no longer in the "red," tried YoCrazyy for the first time, found the soundtrack of my life, keeping friends for more than 2 weeks, feeling more and more independent every day, my hair is doing something good, Love life is _(fill in with any antonym of lively)_ and I am okay with that, and I've started running again :) I am absolutely in L.O.

It's Time To Pit Thursday Against Monday.

How quickly 7 days goes, especially when I am with Natalie. Spring Break was absolutely a delight. It would have been better if I got the whole week off like I planned, but even though that was completely screwed up and I ended up working every day but one day, I enjoyed myself and the time I had with Natalie. It is always too short though. I wish I had so much more time with her, but unfortunately that isn't really an option. We had some pretty fun adventures for the week. Not as intense as they normally are, that could be because we are in Pocatello, and not some huge city like Denver, or San Fran. There are a few adventures we can still have...for one, Taco Time. That in itself is an adventure! I mean their signs are just hilarious :)) Also attacking Mema...ALWAYS a good time. I could bug her all day and never get sick of it. Her reaction is always priceless and she ends up laughing so hard she cannot defend herself...just pure bliss. Well all in all, Natalie