You're Hot, When Did That Happen?

There are so many things I should have talked about but I just haven't. Most important thing first, a few weeks ago I finished all my observations for the Audiology Clinic and NOW I get to actually do stuff. I have been given my own clinic slot on Monday and Wednesday :) That is one HUUUUUGE step towards my future career. Nothing could be more important to me right now, nothing. 

Secondly, I have become wonderful friends with an unexpected person. Someone that I never thought I would actually become friends with. It has been so great. Yes, we have only hung out once, but it was so amazing. Simply the most delightful experience I have had in a long time. We went for a walk in the rain, for fun, and it basically turned into a mini walkathon. We walked all over town and that was fun. Not to mention the conversation that accompanied the walk. It was as if we had been friends for years. Then after our walk, we went back to his place just to hang out for a little bit and more conversation. Then he took me home, I of course invite him up so we can finish what we were talking about, and then it turned into another 2 hours. Ha! How great. After lots and lots of chatter, laughter, and pure comfort, he was showing me how to waltz. It was funny for a little bit because he was dancing alone, but then invited me to join him. Not gonna lie, it was awesome. Something like that has never happened.We danced in my livingroom for like 20 minutes and it was so fun. I had always imagined that I would do that with my know, I would come home from work and open my door to my boyfriend how has made me dinner, playing some Glenn Miller music on the record player and he would ask me to dance. We would dance and it would be romantic and we'd just enjoy each other's company. Aaaaannny way, it was just great to have fun with someone. 

Tonight I went to the first roller derby scrimmage. IT.WAS.AWESOME. There is something about women smashing each other into the ground that makes the beginning of a weekend awesome. I am so proud of my derby girls :) They played so hard and I am getting to know all the rule! This summer, I am going to learn how to ref games. I am so excited about that. It looks like Pocatello has a new sport that is gonna be "all the rage." These ladies have my support, that's for sure. 

Okay, switching this blogging machine into Pissed Off Gear. Watch the video above and you will understand what level of anger I am at. Work is making me so mad right now. Correction, one of the employees is pissing me off. Lemme shine some light on the situation and You tell me if I am justified in being irate. At work, when you want to switch shifts with someone you must contact myself or Art to approve the switch. Reasoning for getting approval is: there are some employees that are not allowed to work with each other, and some have requested to not work with other employees for personal reasons. Now when an employee things (s)he is above this rule and switch shifts without getting it approved, we end up having employees that are not supposed to work together working together. What the HELL is the point of having a rule like that if all the employees but one or two follow it? It is shit when that happens. ESPECIALLY when the ONLY reason the employee wants the day off is because it is her/his last day. You can bet I am talking to Art about this employee's future employment with us. This is not the first time (s)he has done shit like this. It pisses me off, especially when my bosses don't do anything about it.
 Anger justified?

As for the piece above, I am getting there. Taking one step at a time. I am now able to hover my curser over the "Single" selection. Jeffrey and I are NOT together, even though FBook says we are. I don't remember if I have explained why it says we are "In a Relationship"" so I am gonna explain it. We switched it to "In a Relationship" back in August when I got back from Vegas. We did it so people would leave us alone because we were still "In Love" with each other. I have decided that it is now a one way street. I Love him, but he doesn't Love me. The only thing that is allowing me to even "believe" that he Loves me is the "In a Relationship" status. Anywhoodle, why am I sharing this? Because I am now taking the steps to moving on. Jeffrey and I are both too stubborn and obviously don't Love each other enough to move to be with the other. We are selfish in what we want and refuse to give that up. Like I said before, I am now able to get the curser over the "Single" selection, next step, click on it. Then, finally, click the "Single" selection and save it.
One day, I'll get there. 

Alas, to liven things up and leave without sounds depressed, I am going to see Into The Woods at ISU tomorrow. It will be a delight. I cannot wait to see my friends from the music department. I haven't seen them in so long and I miss them dearly. It is sad how when one leaves a department, they leave all the wonderful people behind...although there aren't very many wonderful people in that department, I do miss 7 people. The others, not so much. Break a leg Amanda, Lindsey, Melissa (theatre), Lakota and Emma. (Oops if I miss you I cannot remember who all is in ITW)


  1. ahh the joys of Deleta...I'm sure you're MUCH nicer than the manager that I worked under when I worked there, I don't see what the big deal is about the shift're super nice,and if someone really needed the switch to happen for something important, you would totally do everything you could to help them out!...Boys suck and you need to find a real man...and I'm so glad that everything else in your life seems to be working out. I'm glad you're making new friends, and imagining new possibilities. Don't be afraid of new experiences and new people- you just may find someone a million times better than Jeffery! Love your face and miss you tons. I love reading your blog, its like having a little chat with you in choir or on the quad if I catch you in between classes or at lunch! Mwuah! Love you! (I already said that, but it should be said again!)

  2. Oh...P.S. My cousin Samantha Mantha Tank Mashburn is on the roller derby team! Its fun to hear how many people are out supporting her, even if they don't know that we're related! :)

  3. I am so glad you actually get to come see us! I can't wait to see you I have missed seeing your face!

  4. THANK YOU :D Can't wait to see you :)


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