Start The Rice And Follow The Instructions.

I have no idea what it is, but lately I have not been able to finish a single blog post. I have started 3 different blogs, all about different subjects but I have yet finished a single one. Call it what you will, I just think I am refusing to finish them so I have something to complain about. Teehee.

Life lately has been so delightful. The weather is looking up (except for today's manic snow episode), the semester is coming to a close, work is getting back to normal, every smile is natural and not forced, I had a week with Natalie, Easter is coming up, I found the sock I have been missing for like 4 months, checking account is no longer in the "red," tried YoCrazyy for the first time, found the soundtrack of my life, keeping friends for more than 2 weeks, feeling more and more independent every day, my hair is doing something good, Love life is _(fill in with any antonym of lively)_ and I am okay with that, and I've started running again :)

I am absolutely in L.O.V.E. Love with the band Fun. Thank you Natalie for introducing me to them and burning me their CD. I am still listening to it all day, every day. My very favorite song...Some Nights Intro..just so you can clue into what I am loving right now.

His teeth.....Oh.My.God. I just stare at them. I cannot get enough of them. I want teeth like his. His smile is so beautiful. Ugh, Must get a new retainer to fix my teeth. Teeth, teeth, teeth. I am so entranced. Teeth.

To a wonderful person:

You have been more than generous to me. You are a very courageous person for even attempting to make contact with me after what we have been through. Although we weren't directly connected, it means a lot that you care enough to actually go out of your way to express your feelings and thoughts on the past situation.

Thank you for everything you have done for me. The letter, the card, gracious gift, candy gram, and your repeated "Hello's" and smiles make me so happy. They all mean so much to me and allow me to think that there are good people in this world, you being one of them.

 I am grateful for the smiling friendship we have acquired. I look forward to the day we get passed the smiles and create a personal friendship.



  1. Fun is amazing. I love so many songs. Haha. We Are Young just makes me want to drive with the windows down and sing at the top of my longs. So much love :)

    1. I feel that way about Carry On. It makes me so happy!!!


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