When It Is Appropriate, Move Into The Spiritual Dimension.

Remember those good ol' days when blogging was easy and felt like a necessity? Yeah, me neither, however, I do miss trying to blog. In an attempt to keep my brain in a relatively active state, I will try to keep an up-to-date blog. I hope that is vague enough.

Recently, the most common questions I have received from friends, family, strangers, past coworkers, etc. are "How is the job hunt? Any leads?" Well to answer those questions simply, okay and yes.

Cryptic, I know.

The former; Okay. I have found that apply for jobs is difficult when the applicant does not hold a current occupational license. In the state of Idaho, getting an audiology/dispensing license is dependent on have a few pieces of paper. 1) Application for Licensure, 2) $100 Application Fee, 3) Passing Score of National Exam (PRAXIS) Sent Directly from ETS, 4) Official Transcript with Degree Awarded, 5) Copy of Driver's License. The majority of these items were pretty simple to obtain. The biggest roadblock was getting a copy of my Official Transcript with the degree awarded. As you may know, I attended Idaho State University for my Au.D. ISU is notorious for taking eons to award degrees on transcripts. Fortunately it only took 4 weeks to see my degree reflected on my transcript. The next hurdle to jump over is the actual application review process. Idaho's licensing board will only review applications for new audiology licensure once per month, however, my degree was not awarded in time to make it into the May review process. Now I am in a waiting game for the June review. At least I have all those ducks in a row.

Why does licensure affect applying for jobs? As I discovered relatively early in the application process that if I check the "NO" box for the "Do you have a current unrestricted license?" the application would immediately end and the application would be thrown out.

The latter; Yes. I currently have a few leads on at least 3 jobs. Full time dispensing, part time diagnostics, and full time clinical representative. All of which are vastly different.

I am trying not to obsess or become restless during this period of free time, but I am not doing very well. There is something about future-uncertainty that makes me awfully lethargic yet restless. People tell me that I should be enjoying my break from full-time work, but I am finding it difficult to relax.

In a desperate attempt to relax, I have decided that I need to travel and where best to travel than to see my sister in California! Yes, that is right!! A Natalie and Jacob adventure has been planned! I will be leaving for San Diego in 6 short days for 6 action-packed days! Believe you, me...this trip will be well documented. I would like to make this trip an epic vacation and adventure, so if anyone has suggestions of what I should do or what I should see, please leave a comment or shoot me a message!



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