
Showing posts from September, 2010

Reflecting Reflections.

Walking around campus today and I saw the craziest shoes in the world. I dunno if you can even classify them as a shoe... Now no judging. I did chase this person across campus in order to get this photo, but I did it in a very sly way. I pretended to be in a hurry and acted as if I dropped my phone and as I went to "pick" it up, I aimed and got the shot. I had one chance to take the photo and SUCCESS. There is something wrong with being able to see your toes, but not being able to see the actual toe. I do not want to know how fat, skinny, long or short your toes are. The only time it is acceptable to show off the size of your toe is when you are wearing flip flops. And just so all you people that wear these ridiculous shoes, they add 10 pounds to your feet, yes they make them look fat.

Karma Must Have Taken A Midol.

1.Losing Weight. 2.Lunch With Good People. 3.Great Rehearsal. 4.Talked To Jeffrey. 5.Masters Degree? I Don't Think So. 6.Was Told I Am Absolutely Adorable And Hilarious. 7.Finished My Essay Without Stressing. 8.Information About A Coworker, Possible Promotion. 9.Got The Days Off For My Trip To Coeur d'Alene. 10.Biked 20 Miles. 11.Talked To Jeffrey Again. 12.Peanut Butter Cookies. 13.Music That Could Not Make Me Happier. 14.Talking To Jeffrey. 15.Going To Bed Early.

Baby There's A Shark In The Water.

I am the king of making new friends. My new absolutely bestie, Jennifer Ruiz! And it all started over a Facebook friendship request. Now Jennifer and I have had lunch together before, but we never really talked or super acknowledged each other. I just assumed she was not one of those people that my Tractor Beam of Friendship worked on. FALSE! Huzzah for friendship. And the best part of this, is she blogs as well! Hurray! And it is INTERESTING. That hardly ever happens. Most blogs I read are super lame and talk about nothing in peoples lives. There are a few acceptions, yes FEW. Ps, just watched a man try to walk across the grass by the Rendezvous Buidling without stepping in the huge lake of fish water. Pretty hilarious, especially when his first step was right in the water and now he has soggy socks :) I have a recent love for V V Brown's know the lady that sings Shark In The Water. Not gonna lie, her music is super happy and I listen to her song Crazy Amazing, every m

Mmm Ginger Beer.

[listening to V.V. Brown's awesome song Crazy Amazing] "I am passing Blackfoot" "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! YAY!!!" Yes, another absolutely perfect weekend...well as perfect as a weekend full of your parents meeting your boyfriend can get. Where to begin?! Let's start with Jeffrey came to work :) Yay, that was so great to be skating around, drilling little kids with play balls, then looking up and seeing the one person I truely love standing right there. One of the best feelings. My body fills with the most ridiculous amount of twitterpated-elementary-school-girl. The next thing I know my face makes contact with the skating floor, right in front of Jeffrey. Nah, just kidding, it wouldn't surprise me if that actually happened. All went well, I did not make a huge fool of myself, I stayed on both feet the whole time he was there, and I closed Deleta with only making once mistake, very minor mistake. Now the excitment begins. After I clock out and lock up, I

Corpus Callosum Much?

Has school even started? This semester is one of the weirdest semesters yet. I have not had the ungodly need to actually study or to even realy focus on any of my classes (Writing this while sitting in Child Development, PSYC 2225). It is oddly refreshing. Normally I would be in the SUB for 2-3 hours doing some hardcore homework and yet I find myself wasting away my FREE time on facebook or enjoying the delicious water of the hot tub. Just last night I decided I would go get me of those most excellent Camp Fire Blasts from Sonic, then chillax in my hot tub. God I have the life at the moment. Asside from school, everything is going well. Work has been very good to me lately. I have been told that I deserve second choice on the work schedule and I will recieve a copy of the work schedule before it is offically sent out, in case I need to add myself to it and get more hours. Wow how lucky am I? Jeffrey is coming to visit me this weekend. Hurray!!! WE have devided to go clubbing this frida

Why Don't These Lamps Work?

Art Night. Every two weeks a couple friends and I get together and we have a night filled with Art, laughter and ocassionally fruit smoothies. This is the product of the last Art Night. We decided that we would create something for someone close to us. When we were finished we would send it to them, just to give them a little pick me up haha. It was fun and mine happened to go up north... :D Some people think I am full of gross cuteness, but just wait, this is only the beginning!

Meet Mr. Popular

I discovered one of the fabulous things about technology this morning. I was messing around on Blogger, being lame and clicking on everything just to see where it would take me, and I ran into a link called "Stats." I am happy to report that I am reaching people in Canada, Denmark, China, United Kingdom, Israel, France, Ireland, India, Kenya, Sweden, Thailand and of course the United States! Hurray my little life is going global...well sorta! The best part is that the numbers are constant so I do have followers that do not want me know they are following me! Sheesh, you people do no know the joy this brings me. Lame? I think not, Exciting. Thank you my dear readers, you are the reason I do not feel like I am wasting my time writing about nonsense :)

I Wanna Be A Housewife.

Work gets you down...It's okay, you can quit, I'll work. You cannot make rent...It's okay, I can pay this month. Your feet hurt after work...It's okay, I'll rub them. You don't like school...It's okay, I'll support us. You don't know how to cook...It's okay, I'll cook for you. You get knots in your back...It's okay, I'll work them out. You don't have clean clothes...It's okay, I'll do the laundry. When things don't do right for you...It's okay, I'll find a way to fix it.


Best mini vaca I have ever taken!! Friday at 2:00, leave Pocatello for Coeur d'Alene. I was doing fine until I got past Idaho Falls, then the excitment I had been holding in for the previous week exploded out of me in the form of the most epic car dance party and 7 minutes of pure girlish screams and giggling. Somewhere around 2 hours into the drive, I couldn't take it any longer. The pants had to come off. I hate driving long distances and being confinded within a pair of pants. Those jeans do nothing but hug my thighs and has the ability to develop a slight case of swass. Thank goodness for Gate City Christmas Season where I learned to get into and OUT of a tux while driving. And the clothes came off. The rest of the ride was wonderful. Especially when people in trucks would pass me, well get next to me, and stare. Gotta love all the horny pervs, they are people to...with feelings. Along the way, I came across one of the best cities, Missoula! What a great place. I couldn'

Your Guild Tactics Do Not Work On Me.

Dear everyone, my life is awesome. today, in about 15 minutes, i am going to be leaving for the lovely labor day weekend to go see JEFFREY!!!! oh my god and i so freaking excited. not excited for the 8 hour drive that comes before see my delicious boyfriend, but for the simple fact that i get to be with him for the weekend. yes, i know this is a very short upchuck from my mind, but trust me, there is much more to come next tuesday :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Sincerely, JACOB.