
Showing posts from October, 2010

Net Weight 5 Lbs.

Birthday Wish List For The Electronically Uneducated Person I realize that there are some people that do not understand how to access my blog archives so I will just post all my birthday wantings in one post. Just so everyone knows, my birthday is in 20...count them... 20 days. Yes November 20th. Please let people know what you are getting me so there will not be any duplicates :) 1. Post Secret Books--->Walden Books 2. AE Book Bag--->American Eagle (Brown Bag) 3. Air Popper for Popcorn--->Sears 4. Vest--->Sears (Boy Section) 5. Will & Grace Seasons 1-8---> 6. iPod Touch--->Any Department Store 7. White Robe, Short Cut--->JC Penny 8. Jay Brannan CD--->iTunes 9. Pea Coat---> American Eagle 10. Yellow Puffer Coat--->American Eagle 11. Slippers--->American Eagle 12. Black Wii--->Walmart 13. Hedbanz Board Game--->Toys R Us 14. 9 Box Shelf--->Big Lots 15. This Is Not A Book By Keri Smith--->Walden Books 16. Rice Cooker/ Veggie Steam...

The Prelinguistic Phase.

Never realized how often I spell words wrong. It is slightly ridiculous. I was reading previous blogs, just to see how lame I am, especially when the twitterpatedness kicks in, and sometimes it gets bad. Not to mention when excitment is present, spelling words wrong is almost inevitable. Today I have a, in the words of Winney the Pooh, grumbly in my tumbly. I am not really sure what it is, beginning signs of the stomache flu? Just gas? Guilty for something? Wait, I don't feel guilt. Maybe it was the noodles I ate before I went to bed at Lakota's apartment. What ever it is, I do not appreciate the way it is making me feel. I would like to file a complaint with the head of Human Wellness and Tummy Center. Yep, this class is going to be one of THOOOOSE classes. Child Development at 8:00 AM is suppose to start at 8:00 AM. It is now 8:06 AM and the class has yet to begin and it does not look like it will start any time soon. Technical difficulties I guess. I shouldn't complain, ...

Zone of Proximal Development.

We got an apartment :) Yay. Our lives together are moving forward. It is a cute 1 bedroom with a nice kitchen and a huge ass bathroom! Washer and dryer, internet and cable, and all utilities INCLUDED!! Hurray. It is weird to see the difference in excitment between Jeffrey and I. This is my first time moving out, well moving period, and his ...let's see...11th. I am terrified. I dunno what to expect. First, I am moving in with another person, not just moving out by myself. I am gonna have to adjust and I hope I can do that quickly. I am so worried about finances. Rent, food, insurance, cell phones, gas, school! There are so many things we are going to now be financially responsible for, and I hope we can get it all paid, ON TIME! No debt. Cannot get behind on anything. Jeffrey doesn't have a job. How on earth are we going to be able to get all these things paid for? I only have enough money to get out into the apartment and the next months rent. What if he cannot find a job? The...


feels insignificant.

100 Billion Million Tons Of TNT

The proverbial Bucket of Water has finally been tossed on the Gods of Stress and Anxiety. Life as I know it has now returned to normal.. or quazi-normal at least. All hormonal levels have returned to the normal state...well testosterone levels has decresed, hence being in love. Midterms are finally over, and I think I did relatively well. Child Development, eh, got another B on the exam. Astronomy, got a C, that's what I get for not studying. Philosophy, got a B+ on my paper, Hurray, but still have not gotten my grade back from the midterm. Tomorrow is our first concert for Concert Choir. Hurray I am super excited for it. I STILL cannot say some of the French words up to speed, but I am on my way.. I know I should be there by now being how our concert is TOMORROW! Yikes. Dr. A would kill me if he knew I was not 100% prepared. Jeffrey is coming down today!! I am so excited to see him! Hurray! I had to dreams this morning that he was already here. Gosh and it fooled me both times. I ...

Jumper Cables And Paper Clips.

This video has made my life complete.

Commando Is The Way To Go.

So tonight, I almost kissed my choir director. Roughly one inch away. Epic. ϟ◎ тøᾔїℊнṫ, ℑ αℓμ◎ṧṫ ḱḯṧ﹩εḓ м¥ ḉ♄◎ḯя ḓḯяℯ¢ṫ◎ґ▪ ℜ◎υ❡нℓƴ ◎ᾔℯ їηḉ♄ αẘαƴ▪ €ρїḉ▪ .cipE .yawa hcni eno ylhguoR .rotcerid riohc ym dessik tsomla I ,thginot oS حتى المساء, وأنا لي قبل قرابة جوقة المدير. بعيدا عن بوصة واحدة تقريبا. ملحمة. 这样今晚,我几乎亲吻我的合唱团主任。大约一英寸之外。伟大事迹。 So heute Abend habe ich fast meinen Chordirektor geküsst. Ungefähr ein Zoll weg. Epos. Si ce soir, j'ai embrassé presque mon directeur de choeur. A peu près un pouce loin. Epopée. Επομένως, απόψε, Ι σχεδόν kissed χορωδία μου διευθυντή. Περίπου το ένα εκατοστό μακριά. συγκλονιστικό. Так сегодня вечером, я почти поцеловал моего директора хора. Примерно на расстоянии в один дюйм. Эпопея. Entonces esta noche, yo casi besé a mi director del coro. Aproximadamente una pulgada lejos. Epopeya.

The Historic Shelton

I am so scared, I feel silly. Life is moving so fast that keeping up is not an option. How do I know everything will work out the way I want it to? I will never know until I try right? But what happens if things go sour and I cannot fix it? Then where will I be? Jacob!! Stop thinking, you are examining everything too much. There is no reason for you to be freaking out. Yes there is. You know how I am when it comes to change. I know you are not a huge fan of sudden change, but it will be good for you. Okay, I guess you are right. But when and how do I bring it up to mom and dad? You got me there buddy, I cannot tell you that. You just have to play it by ear I guess. What good are you if you cannot help me with the important things?! Hey now, don't get upset at me. If you would grow up and take responsibility, this wouldn't be so hard. Don't tell me what to do!! You are not even real. ... Hello?

"That is, as usual, just you"

i feel stagnant again. no progress happening in my life, with the exception of one field. school is starting to become a drag. i try to enjoy it and be positive about it, but when everyone around me hates it so much, i cannot help but start to believe that school is dumb. i should not be thinking that, i have 6 more years left, i have to stay focused. i had a talk with a friend the other day and he kept coming back to one specific topic. it bothered me muy because it seemed as if everything he had to say about the subject always trumped what i had to say. there was always something better on his end of the topic, which made mine end look piddily, although i think (thought) my end is something amazing. at that stage where i am annoyed with everyone again. people keep talking to me, but i can not bring myself to talking back. yes, i know you have problems in your life, but at the moment i really could care less. the problem of not having matching socks all day is no concern of mine. plea...

It's Not A Rock, It's A Sponge

Yet another fantastic weekend with Jeffrey. We have a good system going now. He comes down here every weekend following the 20th of each month and I go up to Coeur d'Alene roughly 10 days later. Hurray! We are proof the long distance CAN work, it may not be ideal, but it is surviving. My sister Natalie and I were talking about this all the other day and she said that there are some positives about a long distance relationship...the best reason she had was that it keeps the romance and fun live. And that is so freaking true. I know that we are going to still be full of romance and have a lot of fun even when he does live down here, but for other people I believe that statement to be true! So if you are in a long disance relationship, it is ok! The romance will be absolutely amazing! This was my turn to go see him, and and night before I left I could not sleep! Too much excitment going through my body and twitterpating bugs flowing through my veins. Okay now, bed by midnight...and by...

Wanna See Exponential Growth?

I was hoping it would never come to this... yes, to me writing a very upset blog about how dumb people are. Do people think I have not clue why they all the sudden start talking to me again? Have Americans really become so stupid that they think I will just assume they miss me and want to start talking? I hate to break it to everyone, but I KNOW WHY YOU ARE STARTING TO TALK TO ME!!! It all begins with the most generic hello possible. Common questions soon follow. "How are you?" "You still living in Poky?" "What you been up to?" "What's new in your life?" Yes, I do know what you are getting at. And I am going to let you feel like an ass when you all the sudden ask me the question you and your group of friends want to know and I tell you that I knew all along what you wanted and how I just wanted you to feel awkward for trying to dance around the subject in hopes I will bring it up. Once you finally ask me that oh-so-awkward question, I even kn...

This Is A Quiet Lab.

It's a brand new day, thank goodness. Yesterday was rough, but today has been so easy going that I think I might want to go purchase something really expensive. Woke up this morning having the biggest urge to get back into shape and get a rockin body for when I go up to CDA. Super diet and lots of excercise is going to be happening. I went running this morning, which I have not done in such a long time, and was it nice. Sheesh I forgot how great I feel after a run, no matter how long or short it is. Then I decided I would do some weights, Zac, Taylor and Margrette, are still hanging around, but this time I am absolutely determined to evict them. I have been riding my bike everywhere, and as a result, I have no ass :( It is getting sorta sad. I am losing the parts of my body that I wouldn't mind keeping and keeping the parts I wouldn't mind losing. I did a ass comparison with some friends and mine is less ass-y. It is all toned, which makes it hard to find pants I look good...

527 Miles, About 8 Hours 27 Mintes.

some people just do not get the hint. how many times to i have to put the word 'eh,' :( i guess, whatever, hmmmm, or blah in a conversation before they find out there just might be something wrong. okay i just i might be in the wrong for not just coming out and saying it, but should that be necessary? there are such things as context clues that people should be paying attention to. and i am sick of this gross 80+ degree weather in october. give me some damn 60s and 70s already. i hate carrying my outfit for the day in my backpack every single day. mother nature, take your damn one-a-day vitamin and get it under control. god, waiting roughly 10 days to see Jeffrey again sure takes it toll on me. i am such a lame ass. get a grip (but i have blisters all over my hands) and act like a real man, and stop acting like a girl man. sheess don't be so arnold. this isn't california.