Net Weight 5 Lbs.
Birthday Wish List For The Electronically Uneducated Person I realize that there are some people that do not understand how to access my blog archives so I will just post all my birthday wantings in one post. Just so everyone knows, my birthday is in 20...count them... 20 days. Yes November 20th. Please let people know what you are getting me so there will not be any duplicates :) 1. Post Secret Books--->Walden Books 2. AE Book Bag--->American Eagle (Brown Bag) 3. Air Popper for Popcorn--->Sears 4. Vest--->Sears (Boy Section) 5. Will & Grace Seasons 1-8---> 6. iPod Touch--->Any Department Store 7. White Robe, Short Cut--->JC Penny 8. Jay Brannan CD--->iTunes 9. Pea Coat---> American Eagle 10. Yellow Puffer Coat--->American Eagle 11. Slippers--->American Eagle 12. Black Wii--->Walmart 13. Hedbanz Board Game--->Toys R Us 14. 9 Box Shelf--->Big Lots 15. This Is Not A Book By Keri Smith--->Walden Books 16. Rice Cooker/ Veggie Steam...