"That is, as usual, just you"

i feel stagnant again. no progress happening in my life, with the exception of one field. school is starting to become a drag. i try to enjoy it and be positive about it, but when everyone around me hates it so much, i cannot help but start to believe that school is dumb. i should not be thinking that, i have 6 more years left, i have to stay focused.

i had a talk with a friend the other day and he kept coming back to one specific topic. it bothered me muy because it seemed as if everything he had to say about the subject always trumped what i had to say. there was always something better on his end of the topic, which made mine end look piddily, although i think (thought) my end is something amazing.

at that stage where i am annoyed with everyone again. people keep talking to me, but i can not bring myself to talking back. yes, i know you have problems in your life, but at the moment i really could care less. the problem of not having matching socks all day is no concern of mine. please keep you drama and stupidity to yourself.

midterms is killing me. i have never studied so much in my life for pointless classes, aka philosophy. i do not give a damn about socrates and his lame-ass way of questioning people... mind you we are reading about some dead closeted homosexual whose writings are no longer relevant. my sign final was super simple. i am annoyed with the short little blond that sits in the front of the room... i want to get in a time machine and find her when she was 8 years old and punch her in the face and tell her that speech pathology is never an option.

i would love to just get up and leave for the weekend and go camping. a place where there is no electricity, cell phone reception, no civilization within 50 miles, and a place where i need to hike in 5 miles. good bye world, hello tranquility and sanity.


  1. Jake if you go out of cell phone range how am I to text you about your look alike? I mean I always have such important things to tell you silly. My drama over if my left sock is stretched more than my right sock making my butt look fat and my head look small is of such huge importance how could you dismiss it? Haha Jake I love your blogs just fyi

  2. i want to get in a time machine and find her when she was 8 years old and punch her in the face and tell her that speech pathology is never an option.



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