Zone of Proximal Development.

We got an apartment :) Yay. Our lives together are moving forward. It is a cute 1 bedroom with a nice kitchen and a huge ass bathroom! Washer and dryer, internet and cable, and all utilities INCLUDED!! Hurray. It is weird to see the difference in excitment between Jeffrey and I. This is my first time moving out, well moving period, and his ...let's see...11th. I am terrified. I dunno what to expect. First, I am moving in with another person, not just moving out by myself. I am gonna have to adjust and I hope I can do that quickly. I am so worried about finances. Rent, food, insurance, cell phones, gas, school! There are so many things we are going to now be financially responsible for, and I hope we can get it all paid, ON TIME! No debt. Cannot get behind on anything. Jeffrey doesn't have a job. How on earth are we going to be able to get all these things paid for? I only have enough money to get out into the apartment and the next months rent. What if he cannot find a job? There is no way I can afford everything. I can barely make rent. Scared.
Jeffrey doesn't worry about these things. Should he be worried? Or do I just think about things a little TOO much? Everything will be okay. We will make it.

I don't want to fail. I cannot fail. There is no way I will move back in to my parents house after how awfully they took the news that Jeffrey and I are moving in together. I dunno what they expected. Did they think we were going to live in the same town and live in different areas? Did they think that we would see each other all day, and then go back to our separate apartments for the night? Why are they acting this way? The only reaction I get out of mom is, "Your decisions hurt me." I am no longer sad when I hear these, more or less, Annoyed.

Maybe this is all is helping me learn something, that is weird.


  1. Everything is going to be okay. Promise. :) You have so many people that are here to help you. We love you. AND support you! <3

  2. Jacob Diller! Why didn't you tell me this in lab?! SO exciting! Congrats and best wishes to you both! :)

  3. Jacob, stop worrying! I know, this is comming from a worry wort, but the only way things will mess up is if you let them. Jeffrey will find a job, and your parents will get over themselves!
    oh, and i absolutely hate you for taking away the only light in my dark hole of life. beeotch.
    -Pestemon Koda

  4. Jimmy Johns is hiring! I'll keep my eyes open for other signs around town.


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