Wanna See Exponential Growth?

I was hoping it would never come to this... yes, to me writing a very upset blog about how dumb people are. Do people think I have not clue why they all the sudden start talking to me again? Have Americans really become so stupid that they think I will just assume they miss me and want to start talking? I hate to break it to everyone, but I KNOW WHY YOU ARE STARTING TO TALK TO ME!!!

It all begins with the most generic hello possible. Common questions soon follow.
"How are you?"
"You still living in Poky?"
"What you been up to?"
"What's new in your life?"
Yes, I do know what you are getting at. And I am going to let you feel like an ass when you all the sudden ask me the question you and your group of friends want to know and I tell you that I knew all along what you wanted and how I just wanted you to feel awkward for trying to dance around the subject in hopes I will bring it up.

Once you finally ask me that oh-so-awkward question, I even know what is going to follow.
"I am so happy for you."
"I am glad you found someone that makes you happy."
"That is awesome."
Which I know translates into...
"Perfect now I know and I cannot wait to tell everyone."

People I really do not care. If you want to know something, just come out and ask me, don't dance around the fuggin' question. Yes, I am Gay. Yes, I am in love with Jeffrey. Yes, we are getting married. Yes, I know how 'weird' it is. Yes, I am happy.

Gotta love the absolutely uneducated people that some how made it through high school and into college. Well I guess ISU really is not hard to get into... anyone, really, can get accepted.


  1. Um...I really was happy for you and I love seeing you happy and I think it's awesome you are in love...does this make me a stupid non-caring person? Cause if so, as your friend I will readily give you whatever response you would prefer, though if you ask me to say I think you're wrong and sinning...sorry can't help. Also I like to think I don't skirt around asking you a question, I'm a little too blunt for that. Just sayin. Love you lots and I better be invited to the wedding. Just sayin.

  2. Wait, your gay? ;) Jake, I love you! And I love that you put "fuggin'" in there. This is a wonderful blog and um, I have know you were gay since you like 8 and YOU ASKED me to play house and you wanted to dress as the woman. I <3 you Jake!


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