This Is A Quiet Lab.

It's a brand new day, thank goodness. Yesterday was rough, but today has been so easy going that I think I might want to go purchase something really expensive. Woke up this morning having the biggest urge to get back into shape and get a rockin body for when I go up to CDA. Super diet and lots of excercise is going to be happening.
I went running this morning, which I have not done in such a long time, and was it nice. Sheesh I forgot how great I feel after a run, no matter how long or short it is. Then I decided I would do some weights, Zac, Taylor and Margrette, are still hanging around, but this time I am absolutely determined to evict them. I have been riding my bike everywhere, and as a result, I have no ass :( It is getting sorta sad. I am losing the parts of my body that I wouldn't mind keeping and keeping the parts I wouldn't mind losing. I did a ass comparison with some friends and mine is less ass-y. It is all toned, which makes it hard to find pants I look good in.

Also went to Idaho Falls with Nanette and did some lovely shopping. Nanette basically got a whole new wardrobe, and I got some clothes that I can wear up to CDA. It that silly? I also go buy something new to wear when I see Jeffrey. I guess I just want to look my best and be super hott for him. While in Idaho Falls, Nanette got some photos taken...some were cool, but others, not so much. I liked the idea of taking photos in a glass warehouse, but only when the person taking the photos has a vision and has ideas. Come on man, you are the photographer, you SHOULD have some ideas. After photos met up with Jen :) and Steven from the Music Department and has a delightful lunch.. well sorta. The waitress was totally Roseanne towards us. I just wanted to Diner Dash on her.

Gosh, it has only been 10 minutes since I started writing...3:46...waiting for Cam to get off work at 4:00. I thought blogging would take up more time. I guess not. And I am still waiting for Natalie to reply to my facebook post. Gosh I hate waiting. Sorta impatient today. Not to mention I have to wait until 6:00 for class to start. Ugh, I could use a Ginger Beer. But that is 140 calories and $1.64 that I do not need or have.


  1. That waitress... grrr. I love you. :)

  2. Dude where do you get Ginger Beer? I'll take the 140 calories. :)


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